@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00000287, author = {吉田, 克志 and YOSHIDA, Katsuyuki and 根角, 厚司 and NESUMI, Atsushi and 荻野, 暁子 and OGINO, Akiko and 谷口, 郁也 and TANIGUCHI, Fumiya and 佐波, 哲次 and SABA, Tetsuji and 萬屋, 宏 and YOROZUYA, Hiroshi and 堀江, 秀樹 and HORIE, Hideki and 田中, 淳一 and TANAKA, Junichi and 武田, 善行 and TAKEDA, Yoshiyuki and 岡本, 毅 and OKAMOTO, Tsuyoshi and 武弓, 利雄 and TAKYU, Toshio and 大前, 英 and OMAE, Hide and 松永, 明子 and MATSUNAGA, Akiko and 吉冨, 均 and YOSHITOMI, Hitoshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {農研機構研究報告 果樹茶業研究部門, Bulletin of the NARO, Fruit Tree and Tea Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {‘Seimei’ is a new green tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) cultivar released in 2017 by the Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science, NARO (NIFTS), Japan. ‘Seimei’ was selected from seedlings obtained from a cross between the tea cultivar ‘Fushun’ and ‘Saemidori’ in 1992. It was announced for application for variety registration as No. 31289 under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act of Japan on January 30, 2017. ‘Seimei’ is semi-early budding, whose plucking period of the first crop was established to be four days earlier than that of ‘Yabukita’ at NIFTS, Makurazaki. The plant has an upright to semi- upright shape, with a medium to strong growth. The yield of ‘Seimei’ has been found to be consistently higher than that of ‘Yabukita’ and ‘Saemidori’ at NIFTS, Makurazaki. The cold resistance of ‘Seimei’ is almost equal to that of ‘Yabukita’ and higher than that of ‘Saemidori’. In addition, ‘Seimei’ has medium or higher disease resistance to anthracnose, gray blight, bacterial shoot blight, and blister blight. The green tea quality of this new cultivar was superior to those of ‘Saemidori’ and ‘Yabukita’ at all tea harvesting season at NIFTS, Makurazaki. The yield and green tea quality of ‘Seimei’ were often superior to ‘Saemidori’ and ‘Yabukita’ in the local adaptability test. This novel cultivar is suitable for covering cultivation for tea processing of Kabuse-cha, Matcha and powdered tea. The color shade and taste of powdered tea and Matcha of ‘Seimei’ is superior to those of ‘Yabukita’. It is noteworthy that ‘Seimei’ can be cultivated in the tea-producing areas from Kanto to Kyushu region. However, at cold regions, it is necessary to take anti-cold measures in the first one year after planting. We expect that the introduction of ‘Seimei’ will strengthen the branding of Japanese green tea and contribute to expanding the demand for Matcha and powdered tea., ‘せいめい’は農研機構枕崎茶業研究拠点において,1992 年に‘ふうしゅん’を種子親,‘さえみどり’を花粉親として交配したF1 実生群から選抜,育成された品種であり,2017 年 1 月 30 日に品種登録出願公表された.‘せいめい’は系適試験で‘やぶきた’より収量・製茶品質に優れ,農食事業 26099C で被覆適性ならびに抹茶および粉末茶適性が確認された.‘せいめい’の特性概要は下記の通りである. 1.育成地における一番茶萌芽期は,‘やぶきた’より 7日早く,摘採日は 5 日早いやや早生品種である. 2.樹勢はやや強,樹姿は直立~やや直立で,分枝は中~やや密,新芽の 1 m2 当たりの芽数は‘やぶきた’より多い. 3.育成地における収量は全茶期で‘さえみどり’と‘やぶきた’より多く,系適試験および県単試験における収量も同様の傾向である. 4.炭疽病,輪斑病,赤焼病,もち病の発生は‘やぶきた’より少なく,病害抵抗性は中以上であるが,クワシロカイガラムシには感受性である.また,耐寒性は‘さえみどり’より強く,‘やぶきた’並である. 5.育成地における製茶品質は全茶期を通じて,‘さえみどり’と‘やぶきた’より優れる. 系適・県単試験における製茶品質と収量は, 茶期にかかわらず,比較品種より 優 れ る 試 験 地 が 多 い . 6.荒茶の化学成分含量は,‘やぶきた’より全窒素,遊離アミノ酸が多く,タンニンは‘さえみどり’並に少ない . 7.‘せいめい’は被覆時の収量・品質が‘やぶきた’より優れ,また,粉末茶や抹茶に加工した場合,‘やぶきた ’ よ り 色 合 い , 滋 味 に 優 れ る . 8.栽培適地は関東以南であり,‘やぶきた’が栽培可能な主要茶産地で栽培できる.ただし,他の品種と同様に,幼木期は冬期の防風・防寒対策が必要である.}, pages = {61--81}, title = {煎茶,かぶせ茶,抹茶および粉末茶向け緑茶用新品種‘せいめい’}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヨシダ, カツユキ and ネスミ, アツシ and オギノ, アキコ and タニグチ, フミヤ and サバ, テツジ and ヨロズヤ, ヒロシ and ホリエ, ヒデキ and タナカ, ジュンイチ and タケダ, ヨシユキ and オカモト, ツヨシ and タキュウ, トシオ and オオマエ, ヒデ and マツナガ, アキコ and ヨシトミ, ヒトシ} }