@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002816, author = {榊原, 祥清 and SAKAKIBARA, Yoshikiyo}, journal = {食品総合研究所研究報告, Report of National Food Research Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {Biofilm formation abilities (BFA) of 78 Bacillus subtilis strains were evaluated by using a crystal violet staining method. Ten strains showed more than 20-fold higher BFA than that of a low-BFA control strain, 168trpC2. Six strains showed almost the same BFA as the control. In addition, biofilm formation of the high-BFA strain was confirmed with a scanning electron microscopy. The biofilm was observed by using a hexamethyldisilazane drying treatment without cell structure disruption., 枯草菌78株について, バイオフィルムの形成能を解析した. その結果, 10株が高いバイオフィルム形成能を示し, 6株がコントロールとして用いた168trpC2株と同等の低いバイオフィルム形成能であった. また, ヘキサメチルジシラザン処理により, 走査型電子顕微鏡を用いて, バイオフィルムの形成を確認した.}, pages = {45--49}, title = {枯草菌株間におけるバイオフィルム形成能の比較}, volume = {71}, year = {2007}, yomi = {サカキバラ, ヨシキヨ} }