@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00000280, author = {Gervais, Olivier and NIRASAWA, Keijiro and VINCENOT, Christian Ernest and VINCENOT, Christian E. and ヴィンセノ, クリスティアン エレネスト and NAGAMINE, Yoshitaka and MORIYA, Kazuyuki}, issue = {2}, journal = {Animal Science Journal, Animal Science Journal}, month = {Feb}, pages = {222--230}, title = {Long-term selection using a single trait criterion, non-destructive deformation, in White Leghorns: Effect over time on genetic parameters for traits related to egg production}, volume = {88}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ヴィンセノ, クリスティアン エレネスト} }