@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002614, author = {寺元, 郁博 and TERAMOTO, Ikuhiro}, journal = {農研機構研究報告, Journal of the NARO Research and Development}, month = {Apr}, note = {Recently, the number of contractors who grow rice for whole crop silage have increased. The fields on which they work is distributed in a wide area and the number of them is large. Therefore, recording framing diary as easily as possible is required. To solve the problem, we developed the Farming Diary Tool for smartphones. This tool works on almost kinds of browsers on smartphones or desktop computers, and has map view function and record type restriction function to avoid mistaking. This tool shows a progress map predicating fields with different colors based on the state of farming progress of the fields. Users creates farming records for each rice field at an event of start, end, interruption or resumption of harvesting. This tool restricts record types to be selected, responding to the progress at the field utilizing the state transition diagram, where states are associated with progresses and transitions are associated with record types. The tool was evaluated 3 times in 2 areas in different 2 prefectures. Any evaluators accepted favorably., 近年WCS(Whole Crop Silage)用稲の収穫コントラクターが増加しているが,作業対象圃場は多数かつ広域に分散し,できる限り簡便に作業記録を作成することが求められる.これを解消するために,現場で忘れないうちに記録作成を行うために開発した,携帯情報端末用作業記録作成ツールについて報告する.本ツールは,スマートフォン等のブラウザ上で動作する.外部の地図と併用して圃場ごとの進捗状況を色の塗分けで表示する機能を持つ.また,記録種別は開始,終了,中断,再開で,その都度記録を作成する.進捗状況と記録種別を,状態機械で言う状態と遷移に対応付け,遷移を制限することで,記録種別を限定させて記録種別誤指定低減を図る等の誤入力防止措置を施している.これまでにT県で2 回,O 県で1 回の試験運用を行った.使用感の意見聴取では,プログラム上の問題点を指摘されたが,好意的な意見を得ている.}, pages = {77--88}, title = {WCS 用稲コントラクター組織を対象としたスマートフォン用収穫作業記録作成ツールの開発}, volume = {1}, year = {2019}, yomi = {テラモト, イクヒロ} }