@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002558, author = {坂本, 利弘 and SAKAMOTO, Toshihiro and SPRAGUE, David S. and スプレイグ, デイビッド and 岡本, 勝男 and OKAMOTO, Katsuo and 石塚, 直樹 and ISHITSUKA, Naoki}, journal = {Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment}, month = {Apr}, pages = {7--17}, title = {Semi-automatic classification method for mapping the rice-planted areas of Japan using multi-temporal Landsat images}, volume = {10}, year = {2018}, yomi = {サカモト, トシヒロ and スプレイグ, デイビッド シゲル and スプレイグ, デイビッド and オカモト, カツオ and イシツカ, ナオキ} }