@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00000244, author = {八谷, 満 and HACHIYA, Mitsuru and 大森, 弘美 and OMORI, Hiromi and 千葉, 大基 and CHIBA, Masamoto and 茅野, 光範 and KAYANO, Mitsunori and 姜, 興起 and KYO, Koki and 五十嵐, 正和 and IGARASHI, Masakazu}, issue = {1}, journal = {農研機構研究報告 農業技術革新工学研究センター, Bulletin of the NARO, Agricultural Machinery}, month = {Mar}, note = {北海道や青森県において高収益作物として位置付けられるナガイモのより安定的な生産に向けては,種イモ切断作業の効率化が要望されてきた。種イモは植付け後の生育促進及び斉一化を図るためには,1本のナガイモに対して残を発生させることなく,できるだけ均一な切片に切断することが求められる。切断技術の設計開発に際しては,1)任意位置における外径と長さのみによってナガイモの形状を予測するモデルを構築し,2)当該モデルを用いた形状予測により1本のナガイモを部位別に適正位置で同時切断する技術の開発を目標とした。ナガイモの形状予測モデルを導入した制御部を搭載した種イモ切断装置を開発し,現地試験を実施した結果,慣行的な手作業と同等な切断精度を確認した。併せて,現地生産者から要望されていた処理能力 2.0~2.5t/日を達成することが確認された。 The Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita) is considered a high-profit crop in Hokkaido and Aomori prefectures. Seed yams must be efficiently cut into even segments in order to achieve stable production. For the sake of stimulated growth and uniformity of the planted seed yams, cutting of a single yam into even segments with minimum residue constitutes essential requirements of the local producers. Therefore, the objectives during the design and development of the cutting technique were to: 1. build a model that estimates the overall shape of the Chinese Yam, based only on the outer diameter of the yam and on its length in any arbitrary direction. 2. develop a technique that uses an appropriate model to predict the shape of Chinese Yam and cut a whole yam instantly and simultaneously at appropriate positions. A prototype cutting machine system equipped with a control unit, which applies the shape predictive model, was developed and field tests were conducted. The test results confirmed that the accuracy and precision of this technique were similar to those of the conventional manual method. Furthermore, as required by the local producers, the prototype system was found to have the ability to process 2.0 to 2.5 tons of seed yams per day.}, pages = {23--33}, title = {ナガイモの形状予測モデルを実装した種イモ切断装置の開発}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ハチヤ, ミツル and オオモリ, ヒロミ and チバ, マサモト and カヤノ, ミツノリ and キョ, コキ and イガラシ, マサカズ} }