@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002428, author = {齋藤, 寿広 and SAITO, Toshihiro and 澤村, 豊 and SAWAMURA, Yutaka and 髙田, 教臣 and TAKADA, Norio and 壽, 和夫 and KOTOBUKI, Kazuo and 平林, 利郎 and HIRABAYASHI, Toshiro and 佐藤, 明彦 and SATO, Akihiko and 正田, 守幸 and SHODA, Moriyuki and 西尾, 聡悟 and NISHIO, Sogo and 加藤, 秀憲 and KATO, Hidenori and 樫村, 芳記 and KASHIMURA, Yoshiki and 尾上, 典之 and ONOUE, Noriyuki and 鈴木, 勝征 and SUZUKI, Katsuyuki and 内田, 誠 and UCHIDA, Makoto}, journal = {農研機構研究報告 果樹茶業研究部門, Bulletin of the NARO, Fruit Tree and Tea Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {1.‘甘太’は,1998 年に農林水産省果樹試験場(現農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構果樹茶業研究部門)において‘王秋’に‘あきづき’を交雑し,育成した実生から選抜した果実品質が優れる晩生のニホンナシ品種である.2006 年に一次選抜し,2007 年からナシ第8 回系統適応性検定試験に供試した.2013 年2 月の平成24 年度果樹系統適応性・特性検定試験成績検討会(落葉果樹)で新品種候補にふさわしいとの合意が得られ,2015 年3 月3 日に,登録番号23913 号として種苗法に基づき品種登録された. 2.樹勢は‘新高’より強く,短果枝の着生は‘新高’と同程度,えき花芽の着生は‘新高’よりやや劣る.開花期は遅く,‘新高’より遅い.交雑和合性は‘あきづき’とは不和合であるが,他の主要品種とは和合である.果実の成熟期は‘新高’に近い時期である.黒斑病抵抗性で,黒星病にはり病性である. 3.果実は黄褐色で広楕円形を呈し,大きさは554 g 程度で‘新高’より小さい.果肉は,硬度が4.5 ポンド程度で軟らかく,糖度が14.3%程度で‘新高’より高く,pH は4.9 程度で‘新高’よりわずかに低く,食味は‘新高’より優れている.生理障害の発生は軽微である.4.南東北以南で特性を発揮できると考えられる.‘新高’より小果ではあるものの,果肉が軟らかく,糖度が高く,酸味があって食味が濃厚で食味が優れること,さらに樹勢が強勢で花芽の着生が多く,栽培が容易で若木時代の収量も高いことから,‘新高’を代替する品種として有望であると期待される., ‘‘Kanta’ is a new, late maturing cultivar of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) that was released in 2013 by the Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science (NIFTS), National Agriculture and Food Research Organization. The cultivar originated from a cross between ‘Oushuu’ and ‘Akizuki’ in 1998, was selected as a promising tree in 2006, and subjected to the 8th National Trial (conducted at 34 experimental stations in 33 prefectures in Japan) as ‘Nashi Tukuba 58’ beginning in 2007. The cultivar was ultimately selected and released as ‘Kanta’ in 2013 and was registered as No. 23913 under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act of Japan on March 3, 2015. ‘Kanta’ trees are vigorous and produce many fruit spurs and moderately many to many axillary flower buds when grown at NIFTS in Tsukuba. The tree blooms at the end of April, later than ‘Niitaka’, and ripens at the beginning of October at nearly the same time as ‘Niitaka’. The yield of ‘Kanta’ from young trees was equal to or higher than that of ‘Niitaka’. ‘Kanta’ is resistant to black spot and has no serious susceptibilities to diseases or insect pests when trees are subjected to standard spraying program. The fruit of ‘Kanta’ are yellowish brown in color, are broad elliptical in shape, and the uniformity of the fruit is moderately good. Fruit weight averaged 554 g in the 8th National Trial, smaller than that of ‘Niitaka’. The flesh hardness of ‘Kanta’ was 4.5 lbs, softer than that of ‘Niitaka’. The soluble solids content and the fruit juice pH of ‘Kanta’ averaged 14.3% and 4.9, respectively in the 8th National Trial. The soluble solids content was higher than that of ‘Niitaka’, whereas the pH was lower than that of ‘Niitaka’. The eating quality of ‘Kanta’ was judged to be better than ‘Niitaka’.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {ニホンナシ新品種‘甘太’}, volume = {3}, year = {2019}, yomi = {サイトウ, トシヒロ and サワムラ, ユタカ and タカダ, ノリオ and コトブキ, カズオ and ヒラバヤシ, トシロウ and サトウ, アキヒコ and ショウダ, モリユキ and ニシオ, ソウゴ and カトウ, ヒデノリ and カシムラ, ヨシキ and オノウエ, ノリユキ and スズキ, カツユキ and ウチダ, マコト} }