@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002384, author = {服部, 育男 and HATTORI, Ikuo and 鶴田, 勉 and TSURUTA, Tsutomu and 加藤, 直樹 and KATO, Naoki and 北川, まき and KITAGAWA, Maki and 大川, 夏貴 and OKAWA, Natsuki}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター研究資料, Memoirs of the Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {Because of the effects of the Kumamoto earthquake, guaranteed access to irrigation water became difficult, and a survey conducted in the Aso area showed an outbreak in cases in which rice paddy fields were not being planted as usual. In these areas, the farmers transplanted fodder rice later than the typical period, or cultivated Setaria (closely related species of foxtail millet), sorghum, Japanese millet, oats, and Italian ryegrass as alternative crops in the paddy fields. We investigated the effect of the Kumamoto earthquake on the forage crop production. From the results of the survey, it was found that since forage species were found to be diverse and selection of appropriate forage species was done, these factors could correspond to different sowing times and environmental conditions in the field. On the other hand, in cases of low production, there was not only moisture damage, but also no cultivation experience of forage crops other than fodder rice. Therefore, it was considered necessary to provide basic information (such as work procedures, optimum harvest time) related to feed production to farmers with little experience cultivating forage crops. To compare dry matter of paddy and upland fields, six varieties of tropical forage crops and two varieties of temperate forage crops were cultivated at the Kumamoto Prefectural Agricultural Research Center (Koshi, Kumamoto). The dry matter yield found in the paddy yield was lower than in the upland field. The difference in the dry matter between paddy and upland field were -139 kg/10a (sorghum two varieties average), -90 kg/10a (rhodes grass), -148 kg/10a (millet two varieties average), -57kg/10a (sudangrass), + 135 kg/10a (oats) and -246 kg/10a (Italian ryegrass)., 熊本地震が飼料生産に及ぼした影響を明らかにするために現地調査を行ったところ,阿蘇市,南阿蘇村,西原村では用水の確保が困難になり,例年通りの水稲の作付ができない水田圃場が多く発生していた。これらの地域では,飼料用イネの移植が遅れた水田の他,代替作物としてセタリア(アワの近縁種),ソルガム,ヒエ,エンバク,イタリアンライグラス等が栽培されていた。調査の結果から,飼料作物は草種が多様であり,適草種を選定すれば,現地の様々な播種時期,環境条件に対応できるものと考えられた。一方,低収となった場合では,湿害の他,飼料用イネ以外の飼料作物の栽培経験がなく,栽培管理(作業手順や収穫適期の判断)に苦慮する事例が見られた。そのため,飼料作物の作付経験の少ない生産者に向けに,飼料生産に関わる情報の提供が必要と考えられた。 また,熊本県農業研究センター(熊本県合志市)の水田及び畑地圃場において,それぞれ夏播き飼料作物6品種と秋播き飼料作物2品種を供試し,収量性を比較したところ,水田圃場の乾物収量は,畑地と比較しソルガム2品種は平均-139kg/10a,ローズグラスは-90kg/10a,ミレット2品種は平均-148kg/10a,スーダングラスは-57kg/10a,エンバクは+135kg/10a,イタリアンライグラスは-246kg/10a の差が生じた。}, pages = {77--85}, title = {水稲の代替作物として作付けされた飼料作物の生育特性}, volume = {95}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ハットリ, イクオ and ツルタ, ツトム and カトウ, ナオキ and キタガワ, マキ and オオカワ, ナツキ} }