@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002379, author = {脇山, 恭行 and WAKIYAMA, Yasuyuki and 柴田, 昇平 and SHIBATA, Shohei and 野見山, 綾介 and NOMIYAMA, Ryosuke}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター研究資料, Memoirs of the Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {We revealed the meteorological condition in Kumamoto after April in Heisei 28 (2016) when the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake occurred. The air temperature in spring exhibited a high degree of change compared with that in normal times. The amount of precipitation in June was higher than normal. In particular, we observed heavy rain over the Kumamoto Prefecture on June 20 and 21. This heavy rain caused floods in Kiyama River in Mashiki town. The air temperature in the cities of Kumamoto and Aso in August was 29.5 and 24.7 ℃ , which were respectively 1.3 and 0.8 ℃ higher than normal. The sunshine duration was longer, and the amount of precipitation was lower in August compared with those under normal times. Tsuyuiri (the first day of the rainy season) and Tsuyuake (the last day of the rainy season) on June 4 and 18 July occurred as usual. In autumn, a high degree of change in the air temperature was observed. The air temperature in the cities of Kumamoto and Aso in October were 21.9 and 17.9℃ , respectively, which were respectively 2.8 and 3.3 ℃ higher than normal. Typhoons and a stationary front caused high precipitation in September and October. Meanwhile, the sunshine duration was short in these months. Mt. Nakadake in Aso, which is an active volcano, erupted on October 8. Volcanic ash fell in Aso City. Crop and agricultural facilities were damaged. The air temperature in the cities of Kumamoto and Aso in December was higher than normal., 平成28年熊本地震が発生した熊本市,阿蘇市の気象は,年平均気温は平年より高く,年降水量も多かったが,年間の日照時間は少なかった。同年4月の地震発生以降の気象概況は以下の通りであった。6月の降水量は多く,特に6月20~21日にかけて大雨となり,地震の影響を強く受けた益城町を流れる木山川が氾濫した。梅雨入りは6月4日ごろ,梅雨明けは7月18日ごろといずれも平年並みであった。熊本市,阿蘇市の8月の平均気温はそれぞれ29.5℃(平年差+1.3℃),24.7℃(+0.8℃)と平年に比べて高かった。同月の日照時間はそれぞれ平年の 128%,133% と多かった。8 月の降水量は少なく少雨であった。秋も気温は高く推移し,熊本市,阿蘇市の10月の平均気温は 21.9℃(+2.8℃),17.9℃(+3.3℃)であった。 9月,10月の降水量は多く,特に9月は台風や前線の影響で熊本市,阿蘇市の月降水量はそれぞれ 336.5mm(平年比 197%),442.5mm(189%)であった。このため,熊本市の 9 月と10月の日照時間はそれぞれ平年の75%,66%,阿蘇市ではそれぞれ67%,69% と少なかった。 10 月8日には阿蘇中岳が噴火した。阿蘇市では火山灰,火山礫により農作物や施設で被害が発生した。秋に続き12月の気温も高く推移した。}, pages = {102--107}, title = {平成28年の熊本、阿蘇地方の気象概況}, volume = {95}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ワキヤマ, ヤスユキ and シバタ, ショウヘイ and ノミヤマ, リョウスケ} }