@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002348, author = {新宮, 博行 and SHINGU, Hiroyuki and 櫛引, 史郎 and KUSHIBIKI, Shiro and 伊藤, 文彰 and ITO, Fumiaki and 林, 征幸 and HAYASHI, Masayuki and 守谷, 直子 and MORIYA, Naoko and 小林, 寿美 and KOBAYASHI, Hisami and 山地, 佳代子 and YAMAJI, Kayoko and 甫立, 孝一 and HODATE, Koichi}, journal = {畜産草地研究所研究報告, Bulletin of National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {The present study was performed to examine the effects of diurnal and nocturnal intravenous infusions of L-tryptophan (Trp) on secretion of melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) in male Holstein calves. Four 3-month-old male calves, weaned at 6 week of age, were intravenously infused for 120 min with either vehicle or Trp solution at diurnal and nocturnal periods ranging from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 19:00 to 21:00. During these 4 challenge tests, vehicle-infused and Trp solution-infused calves respectively received infusions of physiological saline in which liquid glucose was added (a vehicle ; glucose content : 324 mg/(kg of BW)) and the vehicle in which powdered Trp was dissolved (Trp content : 36 mg/(kg of BW)) in Latin square crossover design. The solutions were intravenously infused into left jugular vein of the calves, and a series of blood samples was collected from right jugular vein at 0 (just before the infusion ; basal concentration of hormone), 30, 60, 90, 120 (at the endpoint of infusion), 150, 180, and 210 min after the infusion. Plasma melatonin concentrations were determined by RIA. As an indicator of the amount of change in blood hormone after the infusion, net area under the response curve (net AUC) was calculated. The net AUC was the residual area subtracted by the area under a hypothetical line of basal concentration, from total AUC of hormone in response to vehicle or Trp solution infused. Basal melatonin concentrations in plasma at the nocturnal challenge tests were greater than those at the diurnal challenge tests (P < 0.001). At the diurnal challenge tests, plasma melatonin concentrations after infusion were similar to basal concentrations in vehicle-infused and Trp solution-infused calves. Moreover, there were no significant differences in plasma concentrations and net AUC of melatonin between the groups of calves, respectively. In contrast, at the nocturnal challenge tests, plasma concentrations (P < 0.05) and net AUC of melatonin (P < 0.05) in Trp solution-infused calves increased as compared with those in vehicle-infused calves. These results suggest that supplement of Trp at diurnal period has almost no effect on the secretion of melatonin, but that at nocturnal period induces marked increase in the secretion in male Holstein calves., L-トリプトファン (トリプトファン : L-Tryptophan) を静脈内投与する時間帯の相違が子牛のメラトニン (melatonin, N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) 分泌に及ぼす影響を検討するため, 昼間帯 (12:00-14:00) および夜間帯 (19:00-21:00) の各時間帯において, 6週齢で離乳した3ヶ月齢のホルスタイン種雄子牛4頭の静脈内に溶媒, または, トリプトファン溶液を120分間連続投与する試験をラテン方格法により実施した。これら4種類の静脈内投与試験において, 溶媒投与群には, 溶媒として, 糖液 (グルコース投与量 : 324mg/ (kg of BW)) を投与し, また, トリプトファン溶液投与群には, この溶媒にトリプトファンを溶解した溶液 (トリプトファン投与量 : 36mg/ (kg of BW)) を投与した。溶液の投与は供試牛の左頸静脈内に連続的に行い, 一方, 採血は右頸静脈から投与開始直前 (0分 : 基礎値) および開始後30, 60, 90, 120 (投与終了時間), 180, 210分に実施した。血漿メラトニン濃度は RIA を用いて測定した。各溶液の静脈内投与後に血液中に放出されるメラトニンの増減量の指標として, 血漿メラトニンの基礎値を示す直線と濃度曲線で囲まれる正味の反応曲線下面積 (netAUC : net area under the response curve) を算出した。メラトニンの血漿基礎値は, 昼間帯の投与試験時より夜間帯の投与試験時の方が有意に高くなった (P < 0.001)。昼間帯の投与試験において, 血漿メラトニン濃度は溶媒投与群, トリプトファン溶液投与群とも, 試験終了時までほぼ基礎値のレベルで推移し, すべての採血時間で両群間に有意差は認められなかった。また, net AUC も血漿濃度と同様に両群間に有意差はなかった。一方, 夜間帯の投与試験では, トリプトファン溶液投与群のメラトニンの血漿濃度および net AUC は溶媒投与群の値よりいずれも有意に高くなった (P < 0.05)。これらの結果から, 昼間帯におけるトリプトファンの供給はホルスタイン種雄子牛のメラトニン分泌にほとんど影響を与えないが, 夜間帯の供給はメラトニン分泌を顕著に促進させることが示唆された。}, pages = {53--58}, title = {昼間帯および夜間帯の L-トリプトファン連続静脈内投与がホルスタイン種雄子牛のメラトニン分泌に及ぼす効果}, volume = {13}, year = {2013}, yomi = {シングウ, ヒロユキ and クシビキ, シロウ and イトウ, フミアキ and ハヤシ, マサユキ and モリヤ, ナオコ and コバヤシ, ヒサミ and ヤマジ, カヨコ and ホダテ, コウイチ} }