@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002339, author = {浪平, 篤 and NAMIHIRA, Atsushi and 髙木, 強治 and TAKAKI, Kyoji and 後藤, 眞宏 and GOTO, Masahiro and 小林, 宏康 and KOBAYASHI, Hiroyasu}, journal = {農村工学研究所報告, Bulletin of the NARO, Rural Engineering}, month = {Apr}, note = {Numerical simulation method for depth-averaged flow and river bed variation in generalized coordinate system has not spread in the field about irrigation, drainage and rural engineering, although the method is thought to be very useful for the design and the performance verification in construction and improvement of Headworks. These causes are considered that the form of fundamental equation and the arrangement of variables are not unified and that the details of the calculation method are not expressed clearly. In this paper, the existing methods in the field about hydraulic engineering are compared, and the method thought to be spread easily in the field about irrigation, drainage and rural engineering is proposed. Furthermore, accuracy and stability of the proposed method are confirmed to be enough for application to fundamental phenomenon as numerical simulation method for depth-averaged flow and river bed variation in generalized coordinate system. As subjects in future, it is necessary to apply this method to actual rivers including Headworks and to clarify problems and their solutions in application to field, in order to make this method spread in the field about irrigation, drainage and rural engineering.}, pages = {165--193}, title = {一般座標系における平面2次元流れと河床変動の数値シミュレーション手法に関する比較研究}, volume = {51}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ナミヒラ, アツシ and タカキ, キョウジ and ゴトウ, マサヒロ and コバヤシ, ヒロヤス} }