@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002289, author = {KAMEYAMA, Kenichiro and KAMEYAMA, Ken-ichiro and 亀山, 健一郎 and 小西, 美佐子 and KONISHI, Misako and 播谷, 亮 and HARITANI, Makoto and 木村, 久美子 and KIMURA, Kumiko and 坪井, 孝益 and TSUBOI, Takamitsu and 村上, 賢二 and MURAKAMI, Kenji}, journal = {動物衛生研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health}, month = {Mar}, note = {The present study was aimed to develop rapid diagnostic systems of Bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease (BVD-MD). This study was composed of three works: collection of Japanese Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) isolates, analysis of domestic distribution of BVDV subgenotypes, and development of anti-BVDV antibodies. Because of the affinities of the antibodies produced were too low, any diagnostic system did not developed. However, it was revealed that most of the Japanese isolates were non-cytopathogenic and almost 100% of domestic outbreaks were caused by the viruses classified in 4 subgenotypes of 1a, 1b, 1c, and 2a. We are planning to continue these investigations and hope the results contribute to control of BVD-MD., 本研究では, 国内における牛ウイルス性下痢ウイルス(BVDV)分離株の収集および亜型分布の解析を行うと共に, 牛ウイルス性下痢・粘膜病の迅速診断法の開発を目指して抗BVDV 抗体の作出を行った. 収集した分離株の解析では, 非細胞病原性株が大部分であること, 国内における発生は1a, 1b, 1c および2a の4 亜型でほぼ100%を占めることが明らかとなった. 一方, 本研究で作出した抗体は抗原との結合力が不十分であり, 診断系の開発には至らなかった. 今後も国内分離株の収集と解析を継続すると共に, 解析結果を活用して有用な診断系の開発を目指す.}, pages = {19--22}, title = {牛ウイルス性下痢ウイルスの国内分布および牛ウイルス性下痢・粘膜病の迅速診断に関する研究}, volume = {118}, year = {2012}, yomi = {カメヤマ, ケンイチロウ and コニシ, ミサコ and ハリタニ, マコト and キムラ, クミコ and ツボイ, タカミツ and ムラカミ, ケンジ} }