@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002243, author = {中村, 義男 and NAKAMURA, Yoshio and 金平, 克史 and KANEHIRA, Katsushi and 磯部, 尚 and ISOBE, Takashi and 神尾, 次彦 and KAMIO, Tsugihiko}, journal = {動物衛生研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Healt}, month = {Feb}, note = {A nation-wide survey of coccidial infections on chicken farms has not been reported in Japan since 1994. We conducted a field survey on chicken farms between January and March 2007, in collaboration with the livestock hygiene service centers of 41 prefectures, by collecting fecal samples and farm information using questionnaires. Oocysts were counted and classified into acervulina-, tenella- and maxima-types on the basis of oocyst sizes. Oocyst detection rates were 72% and 49% in broiler and layer farms, respectively, the former had a higher rate than the latter. Detection rates in the Tokai-Hokuriku-Chubu region were lower than those in the other regions, in both broiler and layer farms. Broiler farms using windowless type chicken houses and layer farms rearing chickens in cages had lower oocyst detection rates. There were no differences in oocyst detection rates among farms rearing chickens of different ages, breeds or total numbers. Detection rates of oocyst types among oocyst positive broiler and layer farms were 76% and 79% for the acervulina-type, 83% and 60% for the tenella-type, 50% and 13% for the maxima-type, respectively. The detection rates of the tenella- and maxima-types were higher in broiler farms. The detection rate of maxima-type oocysts in broiler farms doubled compared to a rate in 1982, and a higher rate was found in chickens between 31 and 60 days of age. Anticoccidial substances and vaccines were in use for the prevention of coccidiosis in 31% and 23% of broiler farms, respectively. Efforts to establish better hygiene management were suggested in chicken farms, however, some farms were considered not aware of their use of anticoccidials as feed additives., 鶏コクシジウム浸潤状況の全国調査は1994 年以来報告されていない. 最近の状況を明らかにするために, 糞便検査と聞き取りによる調査を2007 年1 ~ 3 月に41 都府県で各家畜保健衛生所の協力の下に実施した. 糞便内オオシストを計数し, その長径に基づき小, 中, 大型種に分類した. その結果, オオシスト陽性率は肉用鶏農家72%, 採卵鶏農家49% で, 肉用鶏農家がより高く, また, いずれも東海・北陸・中部地域が他の地域に比べて低かった. ウインドウレス鶏舎の肉用鶏農家, ケージ飼いの採卵鶏農家は陽性率が低かった. 日齢, 鶏種, 飼養規模と陽性率に関連性はみられなかった. 陽性肉用鶏, 採卵鶏農家の型別検出率は, 順に小型種76, 79%, 中型種83, 60%, 大型種50, 13% で, 肉用鶏農家の中型種, 大型種検出率がより高かった. 陽性肉用鶏農家の大型種検出率は1982 年から倍増し, 31 ~ 60 日齢鶏群が他の日齢鶏群に比べて高かった. 肉用鶏農家におけるコクシジウム予防薬, コクシジウムワクチンの使用率は順に31, 23% であった. 農家の衛生対策意識は概して高かったが, 給与飼料に予防薬が含まれることを把握していない農家もあると考えられた.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {鶏コクシジウム浸潤状況の全国調査 (2007年1~3月)}, volume = {117}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ナカムラ, ヨシオ and カネヒラ, カツシ and イソベ, タカシ and カミオ, ツギヒコ} }