@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002223, author = {今井, 篤 and IMAI, Atsushi and 生山, 巌 and OIYAMA, Iwao and 松本, 亮司 and MATSUMOTO, Ryoji and 國賀, 武 and KUNIGA, Takeshi and 吉岡, 照高 and YOSHIOKA, Terutaka and 高原, 利雄 and TAKAHARA, Toshio and 稗圃, 直史 and HIEHATA, Naofumi}, journal = {果樹研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science}, month = {Nov}, note = {'Kankitsu Kuchinotsu 41 Gou', a tetraploid Hyuga-natsu (Citrus tamurana hort. ex Tanaka), is a new cultivar that is suitable as a pollenizer for the production of less-seeded Hyuga-natsu fruit, which was released by the Institute of Fruit Tree Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Japan. 'Kankitsu Kuchinotsu 41 Gou' was developed as a tetraploid of Hyuganatsu in 1982. The regenerated plant was initially selected as pollenizer candidate for the production of less-seeded Hyuga-natsu fruit in 1999 and was tested in a regional trial from 2001 to 2005. It was ultimately selected and registered as No.17066 under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act of Japan on October 16, 2008. The fruit weighed at 234 g, and was larger than Hyuga-natsu (202 g) at Kuchinotsu. The rind thickness (7.5 mm) was greater than that of Hyuga-natsu(5.5 mm). The rind color and surface smoothness were coequal with Hyuga-natsu. The fruit ripened in early April at Kuchinotsu. The soluble solid concentration and acidity in the juice of ripened fruit were 10.7°Brix and 1.63g/100ml, respectively, which were comparable to Hyuga-natsu. Hyuga-natsu fruit pollinated with the pollen of 'Kankitsu Kuchinotsu 41 Gou' had very few welldeveloped seeds(0.9 seeds per fruit), whereas the fruit by open pollination had 19.8 seeds per fruit. Other than the number of seeds, the fruit traits were not significantly different from those of the fruit obtained by open pollination. 'Kankitsu Kuchinotsu 41 Gou' bore many flowers with a high amount of pollen as well as Hyuga-natsu. 'Kankitsu Kuchinotsu 41 Gou' pollination brought about a high Hyuga-natsu fruit set (66.7%) as compared to that with open pollination (6.7%).}, pages = {13--22}, title = {ヒュウガナツの人為四倍体新品種 'カンキツ口之津41 号'}, volume = {18}, year = {2014}, yomi = {イマイ, アツシ and オイヤマ, イワオ and マツモト, リョウジ and クニガ, タケシ and ヨシオカ, テルタカ and タカハラ, トシオ and ヒエハタ, ナオフミ} }