@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002195, author = {岡本, 章秀 and OKAMOTO, Akihide and 曽根, 一純 and SONE, Kazuyoshi and 沖村, 誠 and OKIMURA, Makoto}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {To obtain information on the quantitative aspects of apospory in Fragaria, we investigated the rate of ovules with multiple embryo sacs per floret (ROF) for diploid (2n=2x=14) and tetraploid (2n=4x=28) F. vesca, F. yezoensis (2n=2x=14), and F. × ananassa (2n=8x=56). Histological observation revealed that two or three embryo sacs were normally formed in ovules with multiple embryo sacs, and occasionally five embryo sacs were observed in one ovule. Only eight-nucleate embryo sacs (Polygonum type) were recognized in the ovules with multiple embryo sacs, so aposporous sacs were not distinguished morphologically from meiotic sacs. ROF was examined using Herr's clearing technique and varied widely at the floret level. A statistically significant difference (P=0.05) among species was found in ROF of sampling in May. Diploid F. vesca (52.8%) exhibited signifi cantly higher ROF than both tetraploid F. vesca (20.8%) and F. × ananassa (23.6%). When the florets of diploid F. vesca were sampled in March and May, the ROF of sampling in May (52.8%) was significantly higher (P=0.001) than that of sampling in March (33.3%), demonstrating seasonal change in ROF., Fragaria 属のアポミクシスにおける無胞子形成を定量的評価し, その特性を明らかにすることを目的に, F. vesca 二倍体 (2n=2x=14) および四倍体 (2n=4x=28), F. yezoensis (2n=2x=14) および F. × ananassa (2n=8x=56) を供試し, 1小花当たりの多胚のうをもつ胚珠の出現率 (多胚のう胚珠率) を調査した。胚珠の組織学的観察を行ったところ, 多胚のうをもつ胚珠は通常2~3個の胚のうを形成していた。中には5個のものも認められた。多胚のうをもつ胚珠には8核性の Polygonum 型の胚のうだけが認められ, 有性生殖の胚のうと無胞子形成由来の胚のうを形態から区別することはできなかった。1小花ごとの多胚のう胚珠率を透明化法により調査したところ, 値は小花ごとのバラつきが大きかった。5月採取小花の多胚のう胚珠率は種間で有意に異なり, F. vesca 二倍体 (52.8%) は, F. vesca 四倍体 (20.8%) および F. ×ananassa (23.6%) よりも有意に高かった。 F. vesca 二倍体の小花を3月と5月に採取し多胚のう胚珠率を比較したところ, 5月採取 (52.8%) の多胚のう胚珠率が3月採取 (33.3%) に比べて有意に高く, 多胚のう胚珠率に季節的変化が存在した。}, pages = {25--32}, title = {Fragaria 属植物3種における多胚のうをもつ胚珠の出現}, volume = {53}, year = {2010}, yomi = {オカモト, アキヒデ and ソネ, カズヨシ and オキムラ, マコト} }