@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002185, author = {原, 貴洋 and HARA, Takahiro and 手塚, 隆久 and TETSUKA, Takahisa and 松井, 勝弘 and MATSUI, Katsuhiro}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Sep}, note = {Harunoibuki was developed at the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center from 2001 and was registered as "Buckwheat Norin 5" in 2008. This variety was mass-selected from cultivar "Hashikamiwase". "Harunoibuki" can be harvested in May or June when demand for fresh buckwheat is high. "Harunoibuki" is an intermediate summer type variety that matures later than "Shinanonatsusoba". The grain yield of "Harunoibuki" was higher than that of "Shinanonatsusoba" and "Kanoyazairai". "Harunoibuki" exhibited less preharvest sprouting than did "Shinanonatsusoba" and "Hashikamiwase". Eating quality of "Harunoibuki" harvested in Kyushu in June was better than that of "Kitawasesoba" harvested in Hokkaido in the previous autumn., ソバ新品種「春のいぶき」は, 九州沖縄農業研究センターにおいて育成された, 西南暖地の春まき栽培に適する品種であり, 「そば農林5号」として2008年農林認定品種となった。「春のいぶき」は中間夏型で多収性の「階上早生」から集団選抜法により選抜固定して得られた品種である。春まき栽培での「春のいぶき」の成熟期は「しなの夏そば」より晩い "やや早" で, 子実重は「鹿屋在来」, 「しなの夏そば」より多い。圃場での穂発芽は, 「しなの夏そば」, 「階上早生」より少ない。「春のいぶき」の食味は, 前年秋収穫の北海道産「キタワセソバ」より優れる。「春のいぶき」は主に九州地域の春まき栽培での普及が見込まれる。}, pages = {37--48}, title = {ソバ新品種「春のいぶき」の育成とその特性}, volume = {58}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ハラ, タカヒロ and テツカ, タカヒサ and マツイ, カツヒロ} }