@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002183, author = {齋藤, 寿広 and SAITO, Toshihiro and 壽, 和夫 and KOTOBUKI, Kazuo and 佐藤, 義彦 and SATO, Yoshihiko and 阿部, 和幸 and ABE, Kazuyuki and 町田, 裕 and MACHIDA, Yutaka and 栗原, 昭夫 and KURIHARA, Akio and 梶浦, 一郎 and KAJIURA, Ichirou and 寺井, 理治 and TERAI, Osamu and 正田, 守幸 and SHODA, Moriyuki and 澤村, 豊 and SAWAMURA, Yutaka and 緒方, 達志 and OGATA, Tatsushi and 増田, 亮一 and MASUDA, Ryo-ichi and 西端, 豊英 and NISHIBATA, Toyohide and 樫村, 芳記 and KASHIMURA, Yoshiki and 小園, 照雄 and KOZONO, Teruo and 福田, 博之 and FUKUDA, Hiroyuki and 木原, 武士 and KIHARA, Takeshi and 鈴木, 勝征 and SUZUKI, Katsuyuki}, journal = {果樹研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science}, month = {Sep}, note = {'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' is a new mid- to late-maturing cultivar of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) with smooth skin, released in 2002 by the NARO Institute of Fruit Tree Science (NIFTS). The Japanese name of the cultivar is translated as "the first registered clone that was shown to be useful in Japanese pear crossbreeding". The cultivar was released from the breeding program with funds from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan. 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' originated from the selfing of 'Osanijisseiki' in 1980. 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' was selected as a homozygote of S^sm_4, a self-compatible haplotype of Japanese pear, in 1991 from cross-pollination tests. Furthermore, self-compatible offspring were obtained efficiently by using 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' as the parent in cross-pollination experiments from 1998 to 2000. 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' was registered as No.16164 under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act of Japan on March 5, 2008. The tree vigor of 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' is not as strong as 'Osanijisseiki' ; however, the amount of fruit spurs and axillary flower buds are nearly the same for the two cultivars. 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' is self-compatible with a level of self-fruitfulness as high as that for 'Osanijisseiki'. 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' blooms later than 'Osanijisseiki', and the two cultivars ripen at almost the same time. 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' is resistant to black spot disease, and there are no serious problems with diseases or insect pests when trees are subjected to standard spraying programs. The fruit of 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' is round in shape, weighs about 200g, and is smaller than the fruit of 'Osanijisseiki'. An intermediate amount of suberin develops on the skin surface of fruit when grown under non-bagging culture conditions. The flesh hardness of 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' is 5.3 lbs., being a little harder than that of 'Osanijisseiki'. The soluble solids content and the pH in 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' fruit juice average around 12% and 4.7, respectively, both of which are almost as high as those of 'Osanijisseiki'. Pistils from the S_8 haplotype accept the pollen of 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' to the same extent as the S_2, S_3, S_5, S_6, S_7, S_9 and S_k haplotypes, suggesting that S_8S^sm_4 is self-compatible. The expected ratios of self-compatible offspring yielded from crosses between self-incompatible cultivars and 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' are almost twice as high as those from crosses between self-incompatible cultivars and the S^sm_4 heterozygote. One notable exception arises from the incompatibility between S^sm_4 pollen and the S_1 as well as the S_4 pistils. 'Nashi chuukanbohon nou 1 gou' is expected to be a useful genetic material for efficiently obtaining self-compatible progeny.}, pages = {1--9}, title = {自家和合性ハプロタイプホモ接合体のニホンナシ新品種 'なし中間母本農1号'}, volume = {20}, year = {2015}, yomi = {サイトウ, トシヒロ and コトブキ, カズオ and サトウ, ヨシヒコ and アベ, カズユキ and マチダ, ユタカ and クリハラ, アキオ and カジウラ, イチロウ and テライ, オサム and ショウダ, モリユキ and サワムラ, ユタカ and オガタ, タツシ and マスダ, リョウイチ and ニシバタ, トヨヒデ and カシムラ, ヨシキ and コゾノ, テルオ and フクダ, ヒロユキ and キハラ, タケシ and スズキ, カツユキ} }