@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002140, author = {副島, 淳一 and SOEJIMA, Junichi and 別所, 英男 and BESSHO, Hideo and 吉田, 義雄 and YOSHIDA, Yoshio and 羽生田, 忠敬 and HANIUDA, Tadayuki and 増田, 哲男 and MASUDA, Tetsuo and 小森, 貞男 and KOMORI, Sadao and 土屋, 七郎 and TSUCHIYA, Shichiro and 伊藤, 祐司 and ITO, Yuji and 真田, 哲朗 and SANADA, Tetsuro and 阿部, 和幸 and ABE, Kazuyuki and 古藤田, 信博 and KOTODA, Nobuhiro and 加藤, 秀憲 and KATO, Hidenori and 樫村, 芳記 and KASHIMURA, Yoshiki}, journal = {果樹研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {Santaro' is a midseason, triploid, subacid, large red apple (Malus pumila Mill.) released in 2000 by the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science (NIFTS), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 'Santaro' originated from a cross of 'Hatsuaki' x 'Starking Delicious' made in 1976. The tree was first selected on the basis of its fruit quality and growth habit in 1986 and was subjected to the regional trial, conducted at 18 research sites in 13 prefectures in Japan, as selection number Apple Morioka No.50 from 1989. The cultivar was ultimately selected and released as 'Santaro' in 2000 and registered as No.11257 under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act of Japan on March 26, 2003. At NIFTS in Morioka the fruit of 'Santaro' on M.26 EMLA rootstock ripens early in October, about 137 days after full bloom. The shape of the fruit is round with a mean fruit weight of 356 g. The skin color of the fruit at harvest time is almost 100% red blush. The texture of the flesh is moderately fine, crisp and juicy. Mean soluble solids content (Brix) in juice is 12.5% and titratable acidity averages 0.69 g/100 ml as malic acid at harvest. The fruit maintains firmness and crisp texture in refrigerated storage for about 80 days at 1 to 4℃. The tree is medium in vigor, spreading in shape and productive with medium preharvest drop. It blooms 1 day after 'Jonagold'. 'Santaro' is cross-compatible with major commercial cultivars such as 'Fuji' and 'Tsugaru' since the S genotype is S_3S_9S_28, and is resistant to Alternaria leaf spot. This cultivar is also regarded as a promising processing cultivar for its fruit quality and productivity.}, pages = {7--19}, title = {リンゴ新品種 'さんたろう'}, volume = {15}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ソエジマ, ジュンイチ and ベッショ, ヒデオ and ヨシダ, ヨシオ and ハニウダ, タダユキ and マスダ, テツオ and コモリ, サダオ and ツチヤ, シチロウ and イトウ, ユウジ and サナダ, テツロウ and アベ, カズユキ and コトウダ, ノブヒロ and カトウ, ヒデノリ and カシムラ, ヨシキ} }