@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002139, author = {松井, 勝弘 and MATSUI, Katsuhiro and 原, 貴洋 and HARA, Takahiro and 手塚, 隆久 and TETSUKA, Takahisa and 森下, 敏和 and MORISHITA, Toshikazu}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Feb}, note = {New buckwheat cultivar "Sachi-izumi" was developed at NARO Kyusyu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center. It was derived from a crossing between Asahimura-zairai, a mediummaturing variety with lodging resistance, and SOBA (86258 : JP number of NIAS Gene bank), an early-maturing variety collected in Tsushima Nagasaki with good outward appearance of seeds. Flowering time of Sachi-izumi is the same as that of Hitachi-akisoba and slightly earlier than that of Kanoya-zairai. Maturing time of Sachi-izumi is almost the same time as that of Hitachi-akisoba and 10 days earlier than that of Kanoya-zairai. The plant height of Sachiizumi is relatively low, and lodging resistance is almost the same as that of Kanoya-zairai. The yield ability of Sachi-izumi was as high as that of Kanoya-zairai in a yield trial conducted in Kagoshima prefecture. The taste of noodles made from Sachi-izumi is as good as those made from Hitachi-akisoba and Kanoya-zairai. It grows well in autumn and in western Japan., 普通ソバ品種「さちいずみ」は耐倒伏性が優れる中生の「朝日村在来3」を母, 早生で子実外観品質が優れる対馬収集の在来種「SOBA」 (農業生物ジーンバンクJP番号86258) を父として, 人工交配を行った雑種集団より選抜育成した。「さちいずみ」の開花期は「常陸秋そば」とほぼ同じで, 「鹿屋在来」よりやや早い。成熟期は「常陸秋そば」とほぼ同じで, 「鹿屋在来」より10日以上早い中生である。草丈は「鹿屋在来」より短く, 耐倒伏性は「鹿屋在来」より強く, 鹿児島県における収量性は「鹿屋在来」を20%程度上回る。麺の食味は「常陸秋そば」や「鹿屋在来」と同程度かそれ以上に良食味である。栽培型は秋まきに適している。栽培適地は, 関東以西の様々な地域である。}, pages = {23--37}, title = {暖地・西南暖地向け秋ソバ品種「さちいずみ」の育成}, volume = {59}, year = {2013}, yomi = {マツイ, カツヒロ and ハラ, タカヒロ and テツカ, タカヒサ and モリシタ, トシカズ} }