@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002134, author = {髙橋, 将一 and TAKAHASHI, Masakazu and 高橋, 幹 and TAKAHASHI, Motoki and 大木, 信彦 and OKI, Nobuhiko and 小松, 邦彦 and KOMATSU, Kunihiko and 中澤, 芳則 and NAKAZAWA, Yoshinori and 松永, 亮一 and MATSUNAGA, Ryoichi and 羽鹿, 牧太 and HAJIKA, Makita}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Feb}, note = {Suzukaren was developed at the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center from 1997 through 2009 and has been registered since 2011. This variety was selected from the progeny derived from the cross "Suzuotome" × "IAC 100." Suzuotome is a small seed variety with suitable traits for natto (fermented soybeans) processing, while IAC 100 is resistant to bacterial pustule (Xanthomonas campestris pv glycine) and the common cutworm (Spodoptera litura). Suzukaren is a late-maturing variety with determinate growth, pointed ovate leaflets, purple flowers, tawny pubescence, and light-brown pod shells. The plant is shorter and has more nodes than Suzuotome. Suzukaren is highly resistant to bacterial pustule and has medium resistance to the common cutworm. It is susceptible to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and root necrosis (Calonectria ilicicola). The seed yield is higher than that of Suzuotome, and it is welladapted for combine harvesting. The average seed size of Suzukaren is 14.3g/100 seeds, somewhat greater than that of Suzuotome (10.7g/100 seeds). The seed coat is yellowish-white with slightly green pigmentation and little dye due to the infection of SMV and Cercospora kikuchii at the breeding station, and little cracking occurred. Protein content of seeds is higher, while the oil content is lower than those of Suzuotome. Suzukaren is as suitable for natto processing as Suzuotome and is well adapted for cultivation in the Kyushu district or the southern part of Japan., 「すずかれん」は, 農研機構九州沖縄農業研究センター (旧九州農業試験場) において,暖地向けに育成された小粒の多収品種で, 2010年に品種登録出願した。「すずかれん」は暖地での栽培に適した納豆用小粒品種「すずおとめ」を母に, 葉焼病とハスモンヨトウに抵抗性を有するブラジルの品種「IAC 100」を父とした交配後代から選抜された品種で,葉焼病とハスモンヨトウに抵抗性を有している。その成熟期は「すずおとめ」より遅く, "やや晩" で, 子実の大きさは「すずおとめ」よりやや大きい小粒ダイズである。子実の種皮色は "黄白" に分類されるが, 品種の特徴としてやや青みを有する。葉焼病に弱い「すずおとめ」に代わる納豆用品種として利用が期待されている。本品種の普及見込み地帯は九州地域である。}, pages = {1--22}, title = {ダイズ新品種「すずかれん」の育成とその特性}, volume = {59}, year = {2013}, yomi = {タカハシ, マサカズ and タカハシ, モトキ and オオキ, ノブヒコ and コマツ, クニヒコ and ナカザワ, ヨシノリ and マツナガ, リョウイチ and ハジカ, マキタ} }