@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002126, author = {坂井, 真 and SAKAI, Makoto and 岡本, 正弘 and OKAMOTO, Masahiro and 田村, 克徳 and TAMURA, Katsunori and 梶, 亮太 and KAJI, Ryota and 溝淵, 律子 and MIZOBUCHI, Ritsuko and 平林, 秀介 and HIRABAYASHI, Hideyuki and 八木, 忠之 and YAGI, Tadashi and 西村, 実 and NISHIMURA, Minoru and 深浦, 壮一 and FUKAURA, Soichi}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Feb}, note = {Tachiaoba a new paddy rice variety was developed for whole crop silage (WCS) by National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region in 2006. The variety was selected from the cross between "Hakei 906" and (47-1-1/95SH50) F_1" conducted in 1996. The later parent is breeding material possessing thick root and culm. These characteristics were inherited from its ancestor "Lemont", which is a variety specially developed for direct seeding in United States. The line "Izumi 1022" was selected from the cross at the F_5 generation, was named "Saikai-shi 253 in the F_7 generation. "Saikai-shi 253 had been subjected to the adaptability tests for WCS mainly in Kyushu region, since 2003. It was recognized as a extremely late-maturing variety with superior yielding ability as whole crop. It was officially registered as "Tachiaoba" (Paddy Rice Norin 419), by the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries of Japan in 2006. Its main characteristics are as follows. "Tachiaoba" is a non-glutinous variety with heavy panicle. The culm length is 20 cm longer than that of "Minamihikari", a standard late variety in Kyushu region. The panicle length is extremely longer, and the number of panicles per unit area is less than for "Minamihikari". Its heading is about 4 days later and its maturing is about 10 days later, compared to those of "Minamihikari". Its maturity is classified as "extremely late" in the Kyushu region. Its lodging resistance is superior to that of "Minamihikari" and classified to "extremely resistant". The grain shattering is classified as "resistant". Its vivipality is classified as "moderately easy". "Tachiaoba" is expected to possess Pia and Pii true resistance gene to blast disease, Pb1 gene to panicle blast. Its field resistance to leaf and panicle blast is classified as "moderate" and "moderately resistant", respectively. Its whole crop yield as dry matter under early planting and moderate planting are about 25% and 15% greater than those of "Minamihikari", respectively. The TDN content in whole crop of "Tachiaoba" is about 55 to 58% and comparable to that of "Minamihikari". "Tachiaoba" is considered to be adaptable to the plains of the Kyushu district of Japan for WCS use., 「タチアオバ」は, 暖地に適するホールクロップサイレージ (WCS) 用の水稲品種であり, 2006年9月に水稲農林419号として命名登録された。本品種は, 「は系906」を母とし, Lemont (アメリカの直播用品種) の太根性を導入した「(47-1-1/95SH50) F_1」を父とする交配組み合わせから育成された。熟期は育成地では「ミナミヒカリ」より遅い "極晩生" に属する粳種である。極長稈穂重型で, 太い根と稈を有し耐倒伏性は "極強" であり, 直播栽培条件でも倒伏に強い。いもち病真性抵抗性遺伝子 "Pia", "Pii" を持つと推定され, 圃場抵抗性は葉いもち, 穂いもちにそれぞれ "中", "やや強" である。白葉枯病抵抗性は "やや弱" で, 縞葉枯病には抵抗性を有する。早植え栽培での地上部乾物重および TDH 収量は, 「ミナミヒカリ」より約25%多く極多収である。}, pages = {1--20}, title = {ホールクロップサイレージ用水稲新品種「タチアオバ」の育成}, volume = {50}, year = {2009}, yomi = {サカイ, マコト and オカモト, マサヒロ and タムラ, カツノリ and カジ, リョウタ and ミゾブチ, リツコ and ヒラバヤシ, ヒデユキ and ヤギ, タダシ and ニシムラ, ミノル and フカウラ, ソウイチ} }