@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002094, author = {古畑, 昌巳 and FURUHATA, Masami}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {In Japan, rice production by mechanical transplanting has increased rapidly since the introduction of the rice transplanter in the 1970s. However, further labor-saving rice cultivation technology should be developed to reduce rice prices. Direct-seeding rice cultivation would resolve these problems by eliminating such management practices as raising the seedlings and carrying the seedling boxes, which are necessary in transplanting rice cultivation. Thus, the National Agricultural Research Center for the Kyushu Okinawa Region developed a shooting hillseeded direct seeder. In this research, we investigated the emergence and establishment of rice seedlings seeded by this machine and examined how to improve the technology to expand the machine's direct seeding cultivation area. 1. Draining flooded water after sowing rice seeds coated with calcium peroxide into puddled soil caused the paddy surface soil to contract and the solid phase to increase with the decrease in soil water (liquid phase). A change in soil structure resulted, and the air permeability of soil increased due to the increased air phase. In the drained pots, coleoptiles and the first leaves (incomplete leaves) of rice seedlings stopped elongating soon after seedling emergence, and the emergence and growth of the second leaves immediately followed. Dry weights of the shoots and roots in drained pots were greater than those in flooded pots. Under flooded conditions, the soil structure and air permeability of the surface soil did not change, and the coleoptiles and the first leaves of seedlings continued to elongate after seedling emergence, resulting in delayed growth of the second leaves. These results suggested that increased air permeability in the surface soil after draining improved the early growth of rice seedlings. Drainage of flooded water, therefore, helped stabilize the emergence and establishment of seedlings in submerged direct seeding of rice. 2. Draining flooded water after seeding rice seeds coated with calcium peroxide into puddled soil changed the three-phase ratio of soil and soil structure in the surface soil proportionally with the degree of puddling before seeding. In addition, the water-holding capacity (air permeability) of soil in over-puddled pots was higher (lower) than in normally puddled pots. Seedling establishment rates of rice seedlings at 14 days after seeding in over-puddled pots were lower than those in normally puddled pots, especially when they were seeded deep and wheat straw was applied. Furthermore, dry weights of shoots and roots of seedlings were affected by the degree of puddling. These results suggested that normal puddling (not over-puddling) improved both seedling emergence and establishment after flooded water was drained following seeding of rice, especially when they were seeded deeply and wheat straw was applied. 3. Water content and soil structure varied somewhat with the speed of draining flooded water after sowing rice seeds coated with calcium peroxide into puddled soil. Draining immediately after seeding produced an air phase in the soil, due to increased air permeability. In contrast, no air phase was found in the soil drained five days after seeding. Furthermore, in the pots drained immediately after seeding, the number of days to the second leaf emergence decreased, and the dry weights of shoots and roots of the seedlings increased, compared with the pots drained on the fifth day after seeding. These results suggested that drainage immediately after seeding improved the rates of emergence and establishment of submerged direct-seeded rice seedlings. 4. Water content (oxygen diffusion rate) of puddled soil was higher (lower) in the plots puddled twice with a paddy harrow than in the plots puddled only once. Water content and the oxygen diffusion rate of puddled soil varied somewhat with the degree of drainage after sowing, even within the same plot, due to irregular leveling there. The water content (oxygen diffusion rate) of soil was lower (higher) in the well-drained part than in the poorly drained part. The number of established rice seedlings per square meter in the twice-puddled plot was lower than that in the once-puddled plot. The number of established rice seedlings per square meter was the lowest in the poorly drained part of the once-puddled plot, and seedling growth there was the worst. These results suggested that, in rice seeding with a shooting hill-seeder followed by drainage, less puddling (avoiding over-puddling) and proper draining with uniform leveling are necessary for both stable seedling emergence and establishment. 5. In the pots (containers) of fertilizer shot, early growth of the aerial part and the subterranean part was delayed more than early growth in pots (containers) of fertilizer incorporated into the plowed layer. The soil with fertilizer shot had a higher ammonium nitrogen content than the soil with fertilizer incorporated into the plowed layer. Seedling emergence and establishment improved in the pots of fertilizer shot that had been drained of flooded water following seeding of rice, and the early growth of the aerial part and the subterranean part was promoted, compared with that in flooded pots. These results suggested that the delay of the early growth in fertilizer shot with seed was reduced by drainage. 6. When flooded water was drained after sowing rice seeds coated with calcium peroxide into puddled soil, the seedling emergence rate and early growth of the aerial part varied with the speed of seedling emergence. The final emergence rate increased (decreased) by emergence at an early stage (a late stage). The plant length, the leaf age, and the dry weight of vegetative parts at 14 days after seeding were highly and positively correlated with the final emergence rate. The seedling emergence rate was negatively correlated with the concentration of ammonium nitrogen from the basal dressing. These results suggested that seedling emergence at an early stage and elution control of ammonium nitrogen from the basal dressing improved the rates of emergence and establishment of submerged direct-seeded rice seedlings. 7. These results will surely improve emergence and establishment of rice seedlings in the new direct-seeding method using a shooting hill-seeder., 九州沖縄農業研究センターで開発した打込み式代かき同時土中点播方式で湛水土中に播種した水稲の出芽・苗立ちの実態を解析し, 水管理を中心とした出芽・苗立ち安定化に向けて検討した。出芽の遅速と出芽後の生育の関係をみると, 早期に出芽した場合, 最終的な出芽率は高まって初期生育も促進されたが, 出芽が遅れた場合, 最終的な出芽率は低下して初期生育も遅れた。また, 播種後, 湛水管理を続けると, 出芽後も鞘葉の伸長が続き, 第1葉・第2葉の生育が遅延した。一方, 落水管理は, 気相の拡大により通気性を向上させたため, 出芽後, 鞘葉, 第1葉は伸長を早めに停止し, 第2葉の抽出は早まり, 茎葉と根の乾物重が増加した。播種後の落水日数と生育の関係をみると, 播種後の落水完了が遅れるほど通気性の改善がなされず, 出芽・苗立ちが不良となった。さらに, 入念な代かきは, 土壌の団粒構造をより破砕して通気性を低下させ, 落水管理の生育促進効果を損なった。施肥との関係では, 打込み式代かき同時土中点播方式は, 種子と粒状化成肥料の同時打込みが可能であるが, 種子と肥料が近接するため, 出芽率は低下し, 地上部・地下部の初期生育が遅れる傾向を示し, 基肥由来のアンモニア態窒素濃度が高まるにつれて種子のグルコース含量および出芽率はともに低下する傾向を示した。この場合, 播種後の落水管理により出芽率が改善され, 地上部・地下部の初期生育も回復し, 同時施肥による初期生育の遅れが解消された。}, pages = {79--124}, title = {水稲の打込み式代かき同時土中点播栽培における播種後落水および施肥条件が出芽・苗立ちに及ぼす影響}, volume = {48}, year = {2007}, yomi = {フルハタ, マサミ} }