@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002092, author = {髙橋, 将一 and TAKAHASHI, Masakazu and 松永, 亮一 and MATSUNAGA, Ryoichi and 小松, 邦彦 and KOMATSU, Kunihiko and 中澤, 芳則 and NAKAZAWA, Yoshinori and 羽鹿, 牧太 and HAJIKA, Makita and 酒井, 真次 and SAKAI, Shinji and 異儀田, 和典 and IGITA, Kazunori}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {Kiyomidori was developed at the National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu and Okinawa Region from 1988 and was registered as "Soybean Norin 120" in 2002. This variety was selected from the progeny derived from the cross "Kinakomame 2" × "Gunma Ao Daizu". "Kiyomidori" is a medium-maturing variety with determinate growth, broad leaflets, white flowers, and a light tawny pubescence. Its pods are dark brown at maturity. The cultivar has a medium stem and possesses resistance to lodging. "Kiyomidori" is classified as a large-seed soybean (31.2g / 100 seed weight). The seeds are spheroidal with a green seed coat, green cotyledon, and green hila. "Kiyomidori" is medium resistant to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and purple seed stain. It is susceptible to soybean root necrosis, soybean cyst nematodes (SCN), and arenaria nematode (Meloidogyne arenaria). The seed yield is a little lower than that of "Fukuyutaka" that was the leading cultivar in the western region of Japan. The protein content in the seed is 4% lower than that of "Fukuyutaka", but sucrose content is higher than that of "Fukuyutaka" "Kiyomidori" is suitable for pale green tofu processing and exhibits high productivity and adaptability in the western region of Japan. It was registered as a recommended cultivar in Miyazaki prefecture in 2004., 「キヨミドリ」は, 九州沖縄農業研究センター (旧九州農業試験場) において, 初めて暖地向けに育成された青豆品種で, 2002年に「だいず農林120号」として農林登録された。「キヨミドリ」は子実の種皮および子葉部が緑色で中生の青豆在来種「黄粉豆-2」を母に, 大粒・良質で中生の青豆在来種「群馬青大豆」を父とした交配後代から選抜された品種で, その成熟期は「フクユタカ」よりやや早い "中の晩" である。子実の大きさは「フクユタカ」よりやや大きい大粒ダイズである。子実の種皮および子葉部は成熟後も濃い緑色をしており, その色調を活かした青豆腐などへの利用が期待される。本品種の普及見込み地帯は九州地域である。}, pages = {59--77}, title = {ダイズ新品種「キヨミドリ」の育成とその特性}, volume = {48}, year = {2007}, yomi = {タカハシ, マサカズ and マツナガ, リョウイチ and コマツ, クニヒコ and ナカザワ, ヨシノリ and ハジカ, マキタ and サカイ, シンジ and イギタ, カズノリ} }