@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002091, author = {樋口, 浩二 and HIGUCHI, Koji and 西田, 武弘 and NISHIDA, Takehiro and 永西, 修 and ENISHI, Osamu and プルノモアディ, アグン and PURNOMOADI, Agung and 上田, 宏一郎 and UEDA, Koichiro and 寺田 , 文典 and TERADA, Fuminori}, journal = {畜産草地研究所研究報告, Bulletin of National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science}, month = {Dec}, note = {An experiment was conducted with two non-lactating and non-pregnant ewes to evaluate a new method of determining the energy expenditure of the head. The sheep were previously prepared with skin-covered loops and with ultrasonic blood flow probes around the carotid artery, and they were fed Italian ryegrass hay. After inserting the blood gas sensors into the carotid artery and jugular vein, the blood oxygen concentration, blood flow rate, and activity of the animals were continuously monitored. Oxygen consumption of the head was determined by multiplying the carotid blood flow rate and the difference in oxygen concentration between arterial and venous blood. The oxygen concentration of the carotid artery and jugular vein were relatively constant throughout a 3-day period; however, a rapid rise in the blood flow rate was observed. The rise in the blood flow rate was synchronized with the chewing activity of the sheep. Thus, the changes in the oxygen consumption of the head were associated with chewing. The calculated energy expenditure of the head was greater during eating and rumination than during resting. The rise in energy expenditure was greater during eating than that during rumination., 動静脈差法による家畜臓器のエネルギー消費測定系を開発する目的で,2頭のヒツジの頚動脈と頚静脈の酸素濃度差ならびに頚動脈血流量を連続的に測定した。ヒツジにはあらかじめ左側に頚動脈ループの作成,右側頚動脈に超音波血流計センサーの装着をおこない,日本飼養標準に基づいてイタリアンライグラス乾草をTDN維持要求量を満たすよ うに給餌し,7日間の予備試験の後, 6日間の本試験をおこなった。本試験前半3日間は,頚動脈ループと頚静脈に血液ガスセンサーを挿入して酸素濃度を10秒間隔で測定し,血流量は1分間の平均値を記録した。同時にビデオカメラでヒツジの採食・反すう行動を観察した。後半3日間は開放式呼吸試験装置で全身の酸素消費量を測定した。その結果,頚動脈ならびに頚静脈酸素濃度は,1日を通じでほぼ一定の値を示した。 血中酸素濃度には動物の行動の影響は見られず,見かけの酸素濃度差に変化はなかった。しかし頚動脈血流量は採食・反すう行動に伴って大きく変動し,採食時では安静時に比べて約2. 5倍に増加した。単位時間あたりの頭部のエネルギー消費量は、安静時に比べて採食・反すう時に増加し,その増加は反すう時よりも採食時のほうが大きかった。}, pages = {7--14}, title = {ヒツジ頭部における酸素消費量の連続測定ならびにエネルギー消費量の推定}, volume = {4}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ヒグチ, コウジ and ニシダ, タケヒロ and エニシ, オサム and プルノモアディ, アグン and ウエダ, コウイチロウ and テラダ, フミノリ} }