@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002082, author = {岸本, 久太郎 and KISHIMOTO, Kyutaro and 稲本, 勝彦 and INAMOTO, Katsuhiko and 山口, 博康 and YAMAGUCHI, Hiroyasu and 八木, 雅史 and YAGI, Masafumi and 大久保, 直美 and OKUBO, Naomi and 中山, 真義 and NAKAYAMA, Masayoshi}, journal = {農研機構研究報告 野菜花き研究部門, BULLETIN OF THE NARO, CROP SCIENCE}, month = {Mar}, note = {切り花用カーネーションの香りの特徴を明らかにするため,35 品種の切り花の発散香気成分を調査した.いずれの品種も主要な香気成分は芳香族化合物であり,安息香酸メチルを主成分とするフルーティな香りの系統と,少数のオイゲノールを主成分とするスパイシーな香りの系統に大別された.これらの系統間において,香りの官能評価と発散香気成分の経日的な変化を比較すると,安息香酸メチル系は,香りの嗜好の評価は高いものの,採花後の香りの持続性が低かった.一方、オイゲノール系は,香りの嗜好の評価は安息香酸メチル系ほど高くないが,香りを感じるために必要な香気成分発散量が低く,かつ発散量の低下が緩やかなため,採花後の香りの持続性が高かった. カーネーションの香りを想起できない消費者が多い原因は,主要品種である安息香酸メチル系の切り花における急速な香りの低下によるものと考えられる., The aim of this study was to understand the characteristics of the scent of cut carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) flowers. We investigated the emitted scents of 35 carnation cultivars. Their major scent components were aromatic compounds. We classified them into two types. The first was a major scent-type that emits methyl benzoate, with a fruity scent. The second was a minor scent-type that predominantly emits eugenol, with a spicy scent. When comparing changes in scent compounds and emission after harvest, the methyl benzoate scent-type was preferred but had low durability. While the eugenol scent-type was less preferred, it had higher durability but a lower threshold level of emission for smelling scent. Our findings suggest that the main reason why many consumers do not know the scent of carnation flowers in our questionnaire survey is because of the rapid scent decline due to low durability in cut flowers of the methyl benzoate-type of cultivars.}, pages = {29--40}, title = {カーネーション切り花の発散香気成分の分析と官能評価}, volume = {3}, year = {2019}, yomi = {キシモト, キュウタロウ and イナモト, カツヒコ and ヤマグチ, ヒロヤス and ヤギ, マサフミ and オオクボ, ナオミ and ナカヤマ, マサヨシ} }