@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002073, author = {田村, 克徳 and TAMURA, Katsunori and 岡本, 正弘 and OKAMOTO, Masahiro and 梶, 亮太 and KAJI, Ryota and 平林, 秀介 and HIRABAYASHI, Hideyuki and 溝淵, 律子 and MIZOBUCHI, Ritsuko and 八木, 忠之 and YAGI, Tadashi and 山下, 浩 and YAMASHITA, Hiroshi and 西山, 壽 and NISHIYAMA, Hisashi and 本村, 弘美 and MOTOMURA, Hiromi and 滝田, 正 and TAKITA, Tadashi and 斉藤, 薫 and SAITO, Kaoru}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {Nishiaoba, a new rice cultivar for whole-crop silage (WCS), was developed at the National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region. It was registered as Norin 399 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) in 2004. Nishiaoba is a lowland rice cultivar that is adaptable to the early planting culture in Kyushu region. This cultivar was selected from the progenies of the cross between Hokuriku 130 (Oochikara) and SLG 9 (Hitohana). The main characteristics of Nishiaoba are as follows. The maturity is almost the same as that of Nishihomare and is classified as medium maturing in the Kyushu region. Compared to Nishihomare, Nishiaoba has a longer culm and slightly fewer panicles. Its lodging resistance is inferior to that of Nishihomare. It has true resistant genes to blast, Pia and Pik-m, and the field resistance to blast is classified as moderate. With regard to bacterial leaf blight, Nishiaoba belongs to the group of Kinmaze and its field resistance is classified as moderately susceptible. Nishiaoba possesses superior dry matter productivity, and its whole-crop yield is about 15% higher than that of Nishihomare under the early planting culture. The total digestible nutrients (TDN) yield per unit area of Nishiaoba is also about 15% higher than that of Nishihomare. Nishiaoba is clearly distinguishable from rice varieties for food after the heading stage from its stature and large grain. Nishiaoba loses fewer grains during harvest compared to easy shattering varieties such as Mohretsu. The risk of shattered seed contaminating the next season crop is considered to be low due to its weak dormancy of seed. These characteristics are considered to be favorable for whole-crop silage use. Nishiaoba was adopted as the recommended variety for fodder crop in Oita prefecture in 2004., 「ニシアオバ」は暖地に適するホールクロップサイレージ (WCS) 用の水稲品種であり, 2004年9月30日に「水稲農林399号」として命名登録された。本品種は, 「北陸130号」 (後の「オオチカラ」) を母, 「SLG 9」 (後の「ひとはな」) を父とした極大粒系統どうしの交配組合せから系統育種法によって育成された。「ニシアオバ」は熟期が育成地では「ニシホマレ」とほぼ同じ "中生の晩" に属する粳種である。長稈穂重型で, 耐倒伏性は "中", 止葉の直立程度は "やや立" で草姿, 熟色は良好である。いもち病真性抵抗性遺伝子 Pia, Pik-m を持つと推定され, 圃場抵抗性は葉いもち, 穂いもちとも "中" である。白葉枯病抵抗性は "金南風群" に属し, 圃場抵抗性は "やや弱" である。早植え栽培での地上部乾物重や TDN 収量は「ニシホマレ」より約15%多い。この他, 難脱粒性で収穫・調製時のロスが少ない, 穂発芽性が "易" で漏生稲の問題が少ない, 極大粒で主食用品種との識別性があるなど, WCS 用イネとして優れた特性を備えている。2004年に飼料作物として大分県で奨励品種に採用された。}, pages = {31--48}, title = {飼料用水稲新品種「ニシアオバ」の育成}, volume = {48}, year = {2007}, yomi = {タムラ, カツノリ and オカモト, マサヒロ and カジ, リョウタ and ヒラバヤシ, ヒデユキ and ミゾブチ, リツコ and ヤギ, タダシ and ヤマシタ, ヒロシ and ニシヤマ, ヒサシ and モトムラ, ヒロミ and タキタ, タダシ and サイトウ, カオル} }