@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002065, author = {梶, 亮太 and KAJI, Ryota and 岡本, 正弘 and OKAMOTO, Masahiro and 八木, 忠之 and YAGI, Tadashi and 平林, 秀介 and HIRABAYASHI, Hideyuki and 溝淵, 律子 and MIZOBUCHI, Ritsuko and 深浦, 壮一 and FUKAURA, Soichi and 田村, 克徳 and TAMURA, Katsunori and 西村, 実 and NISHIMURA, Minoru and 山下, 浩 and YAMASHITA, Hiroshi and 富松, 高治 and TOMIMATSU, Takaharu}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Jun}, note = {Fukuizumi, a new paddy rice variety, which is adaptable to direct seeding, was developed at the Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region in 2004. This variety was selected from a cross between Saikai199 and Hokuriku148 (Dontokoi). Both of the parents are characterized by good eating quality and straw stiffness. A promising line was named "Saikai 238" at the F8 generation in 1998. Saikai 238 had been subjected to local adaptability tests in several prefectures since 1998 and has been tested for "Shot Gun" Hill-seeded Direct Seeding Rice Cultivation adaptability by a research team for lowland farming since 1999. Saikai 238 was registered as Norin 400 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and named "Fukuizumi" in 2003. Fukuizumi is a medium-type non-glutinous variety and belongs to the early maturing group in Kyushu. The culm is slightly shorter and obviously stiffer compared to Nipponbare, a standard early variety in the western part of Japan, therefore, the lodging resistance is clearly more superior to that of Nipponbare. Fukuizumi has a true resistance gene to blast, Pii. The field resistances to leaf and panicle blast are classified as moderate and moderately resistant and the field resistance to bacterial blight is classified as moderate. The yielding ability of Fukuizumi is similar to Nipponbare under transplanting, but higher under shot gun hill-seeded direct seeding cultivation. The 1000-grain weight is slightly less than that of Nipponbare and the grain appearance is equal to Nipponbare. The eating quality is equivalent to that of Hinohikari, a standard variety with fine eating quality in the western part of Japan. Fukuizumi is considered to be adaptable in the plains of the western part of Japan. From its excellent lodging resistance and the stable yield ability, Fukuizumi is especially suitable for direct seeding conditions like a shot gun hill-seeded direct seeding rice cultivation., 「ふくいずみ」は, 西海199号を母とし, 北陸148号 (どんとこい) を父とした交配組合せから育成された。2004年に水稲農林400号として登録され, 「ふくいずみ」と命名された。「ふくいずみ」は育成地 (筑後市) における出穂期, 成熟期が「日本晴」に比べて2~4日程度遅く, 暖地では "早生の晩" に属する。「日本晴」と比較して, 稈長は1~4cm短く, 穂長はわずかに短く, 穂数は同程度かやや少ない。草型は "中間型" である。耐倒伏性は「日本晴」より明らかに強く "強" で, 耐転び型倒伏性は "やや強" である。いもち病に対しては真性抵抗性遺伝子 "Pii" を持つと推定され, 葉いもち圃場抵抗性は "中", 穂いもち圃場抵抗性は "やや強" である。白葉枯病抵抗性は "中", 縞葉枯病には "罹病性" である。穂発芽性は「日本晴」並の "やや易" である。移植での収量性は「日本晴」並で, 直播での収量性は「日本晴」を上回る。玄米品質は「日本晴」にやや優る "中上" である。白米のタンパク質含有率は "やや低", アミロース含有率は "中" で, いずれも「日本晴」より低い。食味は "上中" で「コシヒカリ」に近い良食味である。温暖地の平坦地および暖地の全域に適する。湛水直播栽培においても, 「日本晴」より耐倒伏性が強く収量が安定して優れる。}, pages = {63--81}, title = {直播向き水稲新品種「ふくいずみ」の育成}, volume = {47}, year = {2006}, yomi = {カジ, リョウタ and オカモト, マサヒロ and ヤギ, タダシ and ヒラバヤシ, ヒデユキ and ミゾブチ, リツコ and フカウラ, ソウイチ and タムラ, カツノリ and ニシムラ, ミノル and ヤマシタ, ヒロシ and トミマツ, タカハル} }