@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002049, author = {服部, 太一朗 and HATTORI, Taiichiro and 寺島, 義文 and TERAJIMA, Yoshifumi and 杉本, 明 and SUGIMOTO, Akira and 境垣内, 岳雄 and SAKAIGAICHI, Takeo and 松岡, 誠 and MATSUOKA, Makoto and 寺内, 方克 and TERAUCHI, Takayoshi and 氏原, 邦博 and UJIHARA, Kunihiro and 伊禮, 信 and IREI, Shin and 石川, 葉子 and ISHIKAWA, Shoko and 下田, 聡 and SHIMODA, Satoshi and 出花, 幸之介 and DEGI, Konosuke and 下地, 格 and SHIMOJI, Itaru and 前田, 剛希 and MAEDA, Gouki and 宮城, 克浩 and MIYAGI, Katsuhiro}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {Sugarcane cultivar "KY99-176", developed by the Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center, was selected from progenies derived from crossing smut-resistant Taiwan cultivar "F161" as a seed parent and long-stalk breeding line "RK89-1053" as a pollen parent. After four selections and eight yield evaluations, including regional adaptability tests, "KY99-176" was recognized to have higher sugar yield, especially in summer planting in the Miyako region in Okinawa Prefecture, than "NiF8" and "Miyako-ichi-go", which are major cultivars in the region. "KY99-176" has good adaptability for manual harvesting due to its moderate-thick stalk, higher lodging-resistance, and relatively loose leaf clasping for easy manual detrashing. These traits are also beneficial for mechanical harvesting. "KY99-176" resists smut, leaf scorch, pokkah boeng (top rot), and mosaic virus and also exhibits moderately higher wind-resistance. "KY99-176" is well adapted to the sugarcane producing conditions in the Miyako region and was registered as a recommended cultivar for that region in 2013. Germination of "KY99-176" is good and similar to that of "NiF8". Although tillering and stalk elongation in early growth of "KY99-176" is relatively slow, the number and length of millable stalks at harvest are comparable with those of "NiF8" in spring planting and are equal to or exceed those of "NiF8" in summer planting. Sprouting ability from stubble is low in "KY99-176", resulting in fewer millable stalks in ratoon years. Single stalk weight exceeds that of "NiF8". The maturing period is as early as that of "NiF8". In spring planting and ratooning, sugar and fiber contents of "KY99-176" are slightly lower than those of "NiF8" and commercial cane sugar (CCS) is almost similar. In summer planting, CCS of "KY99-176" exceeds that of "NiF8" due to higher sugar content and lower fiber content. Sucrose reduction after harvesting is the same or slightly faster than that of "NiF8"., 「KY99-176 (さとうきび農林31号)」は, 九州沖縄農業研究センターが育成した, 脱葉性や耐倒伏性が良好で収穫しやすく, 宮古地域の夏植えで多収となるサトウキビ品種である。2013年4月に「KY99-176」として品種登録され, 「さとうきび農林31号」として農林認定を受けるとともに, 同年6月に宮古地域に向けた沖縄県の奨励品種に選定された。本品種は, 黒穂病抵抗性や脱葉性に優れる台湾育成品種「F161」を種子親, 茎伸長に優れる早期高糖性系統「RK89-1053」を花粉親とする交配から得た実生集団から, 多収性と早期高糖性を重視した選抜を経て育成された。発芽性は「NiF8」, 「宮古1号」と同じく良好である。生育初期の分げつ性に劣るが有効茎率が高く, 宮古地域における原料茎数は春植えで「NiF8」, 「宮古1号」と同程度, 夏植えで同程度以上となる。萌芽性は「NiF8」, 「宮古1号」に劣り, 株出しで原料茎数が少ない傾向にある。一方, 一茎重が重く, 宮古地域では全作型で「NiF8」, 「宮古1号」と同程度以上の収量性を示し, とくに夏植えで多収となる。脱葉性と耐倒伏性が良好で宮古地域で多い手刈り収穫に適するとともに, トラッシュを効率的に除去できるため機械収穫にも向く。黒穂病や葉焼病に優れた抵抗性を示すほか, 「宮古1号」よりも風折抵抗性に優れ, 宮古地域のサトウキビ安定生産に寄与することが期待される。}, pages = {65--87}, title = {収穫しやすく宮古地域の夏植えに適するサトウキビ品種「KY99-176 (さとうきび農林31号)」の育成}, volume = {61}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ハットリ, タイイチロウ and テラジマ, ヨシフミ and スギモト, アキラ and サカイガイチ, タケオ and マツオカ, マコト and テラウチ, タカヨシ and ウジハラ, クニヒロ and イレイ, シン and イシカワ, ショウコ and シモダ, サトシ and デギ, コウノスケ and シモジ, イタル and マエダ, ゴウキ and ミヤギ, カツヒロ} }