@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002034, author = {上野, 孝志 and UENO, Takashi and 大谷, 文博 and OTANI, Fumihiro}, journal = {畜産草地研究所研究報告, Bulletin of National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science}, month = {Dec}, note = {The effects of exogenous injections of gastrointestinal hormones, CCk-8 and Gastrin-1, on feed intake and gastroduodenal motility in conscious sheep were studied in this experiment. In each sheep initiation of the suppression of feeding behavior was recognized within l to 2 min after intravenous injections of all doses of CCK-8 and Gastrin-I. Single bolus injections of CCI<-8 and Gaslrin-1 caused suppression of feeding behavior in the first 1-2min after injection. The magnitude of inhibition of feeding were dose related over the range of doses tested. The suppression of feed intake relative to the saline control in the first 10 min after injection were ranged from 47 to 67%. The apparent compensatory increase in feed intake for the decrease at the initial period were observed in the 10-40 min feeding period, however, the total amount of feed intake in 4 hours decreased either by injection of CCK-8 or Gaslrin-1.  Abomasal EMG activity was disappeared within 1-2 min after the injections of both CCI-8 and Gastrin-1, and the inhibitory effects lasted 21-22 min a 32-33 min, respectively. The duration of inhibition was longer in high dose injection. and the abomaasal motility was suppressed in a dose-dependent manner, whereas suppression of the ruminal motility by CCK-8 and Gastrin-1 injections were not in a dose-related manner. After disappearance of inhibitory effect, the abomasal motility abruptly increased by nearly 1. 5-fold compared with that of the saline control and then began to gradually decreased to the control level. The results of these experiments indicate that the gastrointesitinal motilities in sheep show regional differences in its response to exogenous CCK-8 and Gastrin-1., ヒツジの採食量と消化管運動に及ぼす外因性の消化管ホルモン,コレシストキニン- 8 (CCK-8)およびガストリンーⅠ投与の効果について調べた。採食量は,給飼開始後10分以内では消化管ホルモン投与によって生理食塩水投与(対照)の47~67%に抑制されたが,その後は代償的に増加する傾向が認められた。4時間の採食総量は、有意ではないが対照と比べて消化管ホルモン投与で幾分少なめであった。第四胃運動では,CCK-8およびガストリン-Ⅰ投与の約1~2分後には活動電位群が消失したが,その抑制効果の持続時間は投与量の多いほど長く,容量反応を示した。また、抑制解除後の第四胃運動の頻度は,生理食塩水投与の約1 .5倍程度まで急激に増加した後,徐々に投与前の水準まで戻った。一方,第一胃運動では,それらの投与によって運動抑制は認められるものの,明確な用量反応は認められなかった。また,十二指腸では明確な活動電位群は観察されなかったが,生理食塩水投与と比べて消化管ホルモンの投与によって活動電位の発生が抑制される傾向が認められた。CCK-8およびガストリンーⅠの第四胃運動抑制効果には明確な差異が認められなかったが、ガストリンーIの第一胃運動抑制効果はCCK-8に比べて大きく,両消化管ホルモンに対する消化管運動の反応性は消化管の部位で異なる傾向を示した。}, pages = {1--8}, title = {ヒツジの採食量と消化管運動に及ぼすコレシストキニン- 8 およびガストリン-Ⅰ投与の影響}, volume = {2}, year = {2002}, yomi = {ウエノ, タカシ and オオタニ, フミヒロ} }