@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00002030, author = {髙橋, 将一 and TAKAHASHI, Masakazu and 松永, 亮一 and MATSUNAGA, Ryoichi and 小松, 邦彦 and KOMATSU, Kunihiko and 中澤, 芳則 and NAKAZAWA, Yoshinori and 羽鹿, 牧太 and HAJIKA, Makita and 酒井, 真次 and SAKAI, Shinji and 異儀田, 和典 and IGITA, Kazunori}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Dec}, note = {Sachiyutaka was developed at the National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu and Okinawa Region from 1987, and was registered as "Soybean Norin 116" in 2001. This variety was selected from the progeny derived from a cross F 2 ("Fukuyutaka" × "Enrei") × "Enrei". "Sachiyutaka" is a medium maturing variety with determinate growth, broad leaflets, and purple flowers, and light tawny pubescence. The color of its pods is brown at maturity. The cultivar has a short stem, shows a resistance to lodging. The seeds are spheroidal, whitish yellow with yellow hila, large in size (33.3g/100 seed weight). "Sachiyutaka" is resistant to purple seed stain and has medium resistance to soybean mosaic virus (SMV), soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) and soybean root necrosis. The cultivar is susceptible to arenaria nematode (Meloidogyne arenaria). The seed yield is higher than that of "Nishimusume" and "Tamahomare", and the seed appearance is equal to that of "Nishimusume" and "Tamahomare". Seed protein content of "Sachiyutaka" is about 2% higher than that of "Nishimusume", and 5% higher than that of "Tamahomare", respectively. "Sachiyutaka" has suitability for tofu processing as does "Nishimusume". "Sachiyutaka" shows a high productivity and adaptability in the western region of Japan. "Sachiyutaka" is registered as a recommend cultivar from Okayama prefecture, Shimane prefecture and Yamaguchi prefecture in 2001., ダイズ新品種「サチユタカ」は, 2001年10月に「ダイズ農林116号」として登録された。本品種は, 豆腐, 煮豆加工適性に優れ, 温暖地での栽培に適する中生品種の育成を目標に, 「フクユタカ」と「エンレイ」を交配し, その F_2 世代に「エンレイ」を戻し交配して育成したものである。「タマホマレ」, 「ニシムスメ」とほぼ同じ熟期の中生の多収品種である。「タマホマレ」, 「ニシムスメ」に比べて主茎長が約5cm短く, 耐倒伏性に優れ, 紫斑病抵抗性は強, ダイズウイルス病圃場抵抗性は中, ダイズ立枯性病害抵抗性はやや強である。「サチユタカ」は「タマホマレ」, 「ニシムスメ」に比べて大粒で, 子実蛋白質含量率が高く, 豆腐加工適性に優れる。子実の形は球で, 種皮色は黄白, 臍色は黄, 光沢は中である。また, 子実の外観品質は裂皮粒の発生が認められるものの, 「タマホマレ」, 「ニシムスメ」に比べて同じかやや優れる。「サチユタカ」は2001年度に岡山県, 島根県, 山口県で奨励品種として採用され, その後, 2002年度に兵庫県, 広島県で, 2003年度に奈良県, 鳥取県で奨励品種に採用された。}, pages = {15--39}, title = {ダイズ新品種「サチユタカ」の育成とその特性}, volume = {45}, year = {2004}, yomi = {タカハシ, マサカズ and マツナガ, リョウイチ and コマツ, クニヒコ and ナカザワ, ヨシノリ and ハジカ, マキタ and サカイ, シンジ and イギタ, カズノリ} }