@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001993, author = {村木, 正則 and MURAKI, Masanori and 澤井, 晃 and SAWAI, Akira and 伊東, 栄作 and ITO, Eisaku and 江口, 研太郎 and EGUCHI, Kemtaro}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {Natsumusume, a new cultivar of silage maize, was developed by NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center. It was registered as Norin Kou No. 66 of Maize by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan in March 2009. It is a single-cross hybrid between inbred line "Mi91" derived from a southern rust resistant population as seed parent and flint inbred line "Na50" derived from Japanese local lines as pollen parent. The silking date of "Natsumusume" was almost the same as those of "3470", "KD850" and "SH9904". "Natsumusume" is in the medium-late maturity group. In late-spring seeding, the dry matter (DM) yields of both whole crop and ear and the ear ratio in DM of "Natsumusume" exceeded those of "3470", "SH9904", and "KD850". The estimated total digestible nutrient (TDN) content (%) and TDN yield (kg/a) of the whole crop of "Natsumusume" exceeded those of "3470", "SH9904" and "KD850". In summer seeding, the DM yield of the whole crop of "Natsumusume" was the same as that of "SH9904". The DM yield of ear and the ear ratio in DM of "Natsumusume" exceeded those of "SH9904". The estimated TDN content and TDN yield of the whole crop of "Natsumusume" exceeded those of "SH9904". "Natsumusume" was more resistant to southern rust than "3470", "SH9904" and "KD850". The lodging resistance of "Natsumusume" exceeded those of "3470", "SH9904" and "KD850" in late-spring and summer seeding. "Natsumusume" is adapted for late spring and summer seeding in Kyushu, but it is necessary to seed by the middle of July in areas with wallaby ear disease because "Natsumusume" is not resistant to that disease., 「なつむすめ」は南方さび病抵抗性改良集団由来の自殖系統「Mi91」を種子親とし, 在来フリント種に由来する自殖系統「Na50」を花粉親として育成された単交雑一代雑種で, 2009年3月に「とうもろこし農林交66号」として農林認定された。絹糸抽出期は「3470」, 「KD850」および「SH9904」とほぼ同じで, 早晩性は中生の晩に属する。晩播栽培では, 茎葉と雌穂をあわせた全体の乾物収量, 雌穂乾物収量および雌穂乾物重割合は「3470」, 「SH9904」および「KD850」より高く, 全体の推定 TDN 含量および TDN 収量も「3470」, 「SH9904」および「KD850」より多かった。夏播き栽培では, 乾物収量は「SH9904」並であったが, 雌穂乾物収量と雌穂乾物重割合は「SH9904」より高く, 全体の推定 TDN 含量および TDN 収量も「SH9904」より多かった。南方さび病抵抗性は「3470」, 「SH9904」および「KD850」より強かった。耐倒伏性は, 晩播および夏播き栽培では「3470」, 「SH9904」および「KD850」より強かった。「なつむすめ」は九州での晩播および夏播き栽培に適するが, ワラビー萎縮症抵抗性は有しないため, ワラビー萎縮症が発生する地域では7月中旬までに播種する必要がある。}, pages = {51--63}, title = {晩播・夏播き用トウモロコシ新品種「なつむすめ」の育成とその特性}, volume = {61}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ムラキ, マサノリ and サワイ, アキラ and イトウ, エイサク and エグチ, ケンタロウ} }