@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001982, author = {熊谷, 亨 and KUMAGAI, Toru and 山川, 理 and YAMAKAWA, Osamu and 吉永, 優 and YOSHINAGA, Masaru and 石黒, 浩二 and ISHIGURO, Koji and 日高, 操 and HIDAKA, Misao and 甲斐, 由美 and KAI, Yumi}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {Konahomare is a newly released cultivar with a high starch content and high yield, developed at the National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region, (formerly Kyushu National Agricultural Experimental Station). It was evaluated at prefectural agricultural experimental stations as breeding line "Kyushu No. 126" and was officially registered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as "Sweetpotato Norin No. 52" for starch production in 2000. "Konahomare" is the progeny from a cross between "Hi-Starch" and "Kyukei82124-1" conducted at the Ibusuki Branch of the station in 1990. "Hi-Starch" has a high starch content and high yield, while "Kyukei82124-1" has good combining ability. Single-crossed seeds were sown in the Sweetpotato Breeding Laboratory nursery. Selection was based on field performance and starch content. "Konahomare" exhibits moderate sprouting ability and is a prostrate plant type. The top leaves are light green. The mature leaves are green and cordate. The vine is somewhat thin with a medium internode length. There is no anthocyanin accumulation in the vein and node. The storage root is short and fusiform with light brown skin, and has a light yellowish -white flesh. The taste of the steamed root is not palatable ; "Konahomare" is not suitable for table use. The root yield, dry matter content, and starch content of "Konahomare" are higher than those of "Koganesengan" and "Shiroyutaka." The starch yield is 20 to 30% higher than for "Koganesengan" depending on cultivation conditions. It demonstrated a 50% higher starch yield at the local agricultural experimental station than a standard cultivar undergoing long -term mulching cultivation with plastic film. "Konahomare" is slightly susceptible to black rot (Ceratocystis fimbriata), moderately resistant to root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus coffeae), and slightly resistant to root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita). The storage ability of the storage roots is somewhat low during winter., コナホマレ は "ハイスターチ" を母, "九系82124-1" を父とする交配組合せから選抜したカンショ新品種であり, "九州126号" の系統名で関係各県に配布し, 2000年8月農林水産省育成品種 "かんしょ農林52号" として命名登録された。萌芽性は中, 草型は匍匐型, 茎はやや細く, 茎の長さはやや長い。いもの皮色は淡褐, 肉色は淡黄白, 形状は短紡錘形, 大きさは中, いもの揃いは中, 外観はやや上である。いも収量, でん粉歩留は "コガネセンガン" や "シロユタカ" より高く, でん粉収量は "コガネセンガン" や "シロユタカ" を大きく上回る。黒斑病にはやや弱く, サツマイモネコブセンチュウにはやや強, ミナミネグサレセンチュウには中の抵抗性を示す。貯蔵性はやや難である。暖地の畑作地帯に適するが, 当面, でん粉原料用や焼酎原料用として鹿児島県や宮崎県を中心に普及する。}, pages = {1--16}, title = {カンショ新品種 "コナホマレ" の育成}, volume = {40}, year = {2002}, yomi = {クマガイ, トオル and ヤマカワ, オサム and ヨシナガ, マサル and イシグロ, コウジ and ヒダカ, ミサオ and カイ, ユミ} }