@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001965, author = {青木, 真理 and AOKI, Mari and 木村, 康二 and KIMURA, Koji and 鈴木, 修 and SUZUKI, Osamu and 平子, 誠 and HIRAKO, Makoto}, journal = {畜産草地研究所研究報告, Bulletin of National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {The aims of this study were to evaluate the nursing ability of crossbred(Japanese Black ×Holstein) cows for twin production and the effect of supplemental nutrition on grazing calves or their dams. Seventeen pairs of twin calves (34 calves) grazed with their dams were divided in two groups. Ten pairs of calves were given concentrate diets ad libitum whereas their dams were not supplemented with concentrate (group C). The other seven pairs of calves were not given concentrate while their dams were supplemented with 1 to 2 kg concentrate daily (group NC). Mean of suckled milk yield was 6.1(C) and 6.6kg(NC) per one calf. Body weight and body condition score point of dams were decreased during the study period. Concentrate intake of calves in group C increased as they grew, especially after 3 months age. During 0 to 4 weeks age,significant difference (P<0.05) was observed between two groups in the weight gain of calves, 0.80 (C) and 0.94 (NC) kg/day. However, during 4 to 26 weeks age, the mean daily gain was higher in group C than in the group NC, whereas no significant deference was found in suckled milk yields. ln the body measurements of calves、both groups were similar at birth, but group C were rather bigger at 3 and 6 months age than the group NC. These results suggest that supplementary concentrate for twin calves with their dams under grazing was effective from the first month after parturition. And, it is suggested that the supply of the concentrate are needed for the dams in the pasture where supply of grass is inadequate., 交雑種雌牛の親子放牧における哺育能力と母牛あるいはその双子子牛への栄養補給効果を検討した。1996年から1997にかけて、のべ17組の双子とその母牛をぺレニアルライグラス主体草地に分娩約l週間後から輪挽放牧し,子牛への別飼い飼料を給与する区(別飼い区)と給与せず母牛へのみ増し飼いする区(増し飼い区)に分け,哺乳量,母牛の栄養状態および子牛の別飼い飼料摂食行動を調査した。別飼い区では,のべ10組の親子を昼夜放牧し,子牛には放牧地内の別飼い施設で別飼い飼料を自由採食させた。憎飼い区では,のべ7組の親子を 9:00~16:00 の間放牧し,母牛には日量 1-2kgの濃厚飼料を給与した。その結県,母牛の泌乳量は日量 10.4~14.4kg あり,1頭あたり 5.2~7.2kg 摂取した。母牛の栄護状態は,両区とも低下傾向を示したが,別飼い区の減少が顕著であった。別飼い区では,別飼い飼料の摂食行動と摂取量が3か月齢以降で顕著に増加した。子牛の平均日増体重がは,増し飼い区の方が 0-4 週齢時で有意に高かったが,その後は別飼い区の方が高く推移した。子牛の体型は月齢とともに別飼い区が増し飼い区を上回る傾向にあり,6か月齢の胸囲で別飼い区が有意に大きかった。これらから,交雑種雌牛と双子子牛の親子放牧では,生後1か月齢から別飼い飼料の効果が現れることが示された。また,分娩後母牛の体重減少が顕著な草地においては,母牛への補助飼料給与も必要と考えられた。}, pages = {1--7}, title = {交雑種雌牛の親子放牧による双子晴育能力と栄養補給効果}, volume = {1}, year = {2002}, yomi = {アオキ, マリ and キムラ, コウジ and スズキ, オサム and ヒラコ, マコト} }