@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001946, author = {杉山, 充啓 and SUGIYAMA, Mitsuhiro and 川頭, 洋一 and KAWAZU, Yoichi and SHIMOMURA, Koichiro and 下村, 晃一郎 and YOSHIOKA, Yosuke and 吉岡, 洋輔 and 坂田, 好輝 and SAKATA, Yoshiteru and 吹野, 伸子 and FUKINO, Nobuko and 野口, 裕司 and NOGUCHI, Yuji}, journal = {野菜茶業研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {'Kyuri Chukanbohon Nou 7 Go', a cucumber parental line with intermediate resistance to Melon yellow spot virus (MYSV), was developed from crosses among 27028930, which has intermediate resistance, and susceptible 'Tokiwa' and 'Encore 10'. 'Kyuri Chukanbohon Nou 7 Go' shows milder symptoms than susceptible cultivars. Its resistance is controlled by polygenes with incomplete dominance. SSR markers on chromosome 3 allowed selection for MYSV resistance in breeding. The yields of 'Kyuri Chukanbohon Nou 7 Go' inoculated with MYSV were 79 to 88% of those of healthy controls, and mosaic fruits were not observed. On the other hand, the yields of susceptible cultivars were only 32 to 52% of those of the controls, and mosaic fruits were observed. 'Kyuri Chukanbohon Nou 7 Go' is monoecious and parthenocarpic. The fruits have dark green skin and a necked shape at the stem end.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {キュウリ黄化えそ病抵抗性を有する 'きゅうり中間母本農7号' の育成経過とその特性}, volume = {15}, year = {2016}, yomi = {スギヤマ, ミツヒロ and カワズ, ヨウイチ and シモムラ, コウイチロウ and ヨシオカ, ヨウスケ and サカタ, ヨシテル and フキノ, ノブコ and ノグチ, ユウジ} }