@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001919, author = {中野, 明正 and NAKANO, Akimasa and Ahn, Dong-Hyuk and 安, 東赫 and 東出, 忠桐 and HIGASHIDE, Tadahisa}, journal = {野菜茶業研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {The concentration of added strontium (Sr) was greater in all parts of the Dutch tomato cultivar 'Quest' than in the Japanese cultivar 'Momotaro 8'. Although Sr was lower in the upper parts of each cultivar, the difference in Sr between cultivars was markedly increased in the upper parts. Greater Sr transport in the upper parts of 'Quest' suggests better Ca translocation to growing points, which supports higher fruit quality. Because the bleeding rate and Ca in the sap were higher in Dutch cultivar than in Japanese cultivar, the greater Sr transport by Dutch cultivar might be due to greater root acquisition and transport of Sr and Ca.}, pages = {57--63}, title = {トマトのオランダ品種は日本品種に比べカルシウム吸収・移行活性が高い}, volume = {14}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ナカノ, アキマサ and アン, ドンヒョク and ヒガシデ, タダヒサ} }