@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001905, author = {手塚, 隆久 and TETSUKA, Takahisa and 松井, 勝弘 and MATSUI, Katsuhiro and 原, 貴洋 and HARA, Takahiro and 森下, 敏和 and MORISHITA, Toshikazu}, journal = {九州沖縄農業研究センター報告, Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Sep}, note = {Toriizumi, a new Job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) variety, was developed at the National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region in 2011. The variety was selected from a cross between "Koushu (JP83421)" and "EMS200-2-d-10-4-2-4". "Koushu" is a medium maturing variety from South Korea. "EMS200-2-d-10-4-2-4" is a late maturing line with short culm induced from "Okayama-zairai". "Toriizumi" belongs to medium maturing group and is adaptable to the western part of Japan. The seed yield is the same as "Akishizuku" and slightly higher than that of "Hatomusume". The culm length is slightly longer than that of "Akishizuku". The grain shape is slightly rounder, and the 100-grain weight is slightly less than that of "Akishizuku". The shattering is not easier than "Hatomusume" and "Hatohikari". The field resistance to leaf blight is classified as slightly high resistant, and the level of resistance is higher than that of Japanese varieties., ハトムギ (Coix lacryma-jobi L.)「とりいずみ」は九州沖縄農業研究センターにおいて育成され, 2011年に種苗登録出願が公表された。本品種は1996年に導入品種「光州」と系統「EMS200-2-d-10-4-2-4」を交配し, 系統育種法で育成された。「光州」は短稈の中生で熟色に艶がある韓国からの導入品種, 「EMS200-2-d-10-4-2-4」は多収性品種「岡山在来」由来の晩生短稈突然変異系統である。育成地での本品種の草丈は「あきしずく」よりやや高く, 茎数は「あきしずく」よりやや少なく, 茎は「あきしずく」よりやや太い。着粒数は「あきしずく」と同程度で多く, 粒は小さいので百粒重が軽い。熟期は「あきしずく」と同じ中生に属する。収量性は「あきしずく」と同程度である。葉枯病抵抗性は葉枯程度が「あきしずく」と同程度で少なく, 病害による不稔粒が「あきしずく」よりやや少ない。「とりいずみ」は幼苗時の葉鞘色が赤紫, 柱頭色が濃い赤紫である。}, pages = {1--9}, title = {ハトムギ新品種「とりいずみ」の育成とその特性}, volume = {62}, year = {2014}, yomi = {テツカ, タカヒサ and マツイ, カツヒロ and ハラ, タカヒロ and モリシタ, トシカズ} }