@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001883, author = {岩崎, 泰永 and IWASAKI, Yasunaga and Ahn, Dong-Hyuk and 安, 東赫 and SHIMOMURA, Koichiro and 下村, 晃一郎 and 東出, 忠桐 and HIGASHIDE, Tadahisa and 中野, 明正 and NAKANO, Akimasa}, journal = {野菜茶業研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {We investigated the yield differences among three cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cultivars in greenhouses from October 2011 to February 2012. We grew the greenhouse cultivar ‛Proloog RZ', the Beit Alpha cultivar ‛Media RZ', and the Japanese cultivar ‛Eteruno'. We investigated the effects of support and training methods (the Japanese teki-shin method and the single-stem method) and of environmental factors (CO_2 concentration and relative humidity) on the fresh fruit yield, dry matter (DM) production, leaf area index, DM partitioning to fruit, and light use efficiency. Teki-shin is a common Japanese training method that involves (1) supporting and training the primary vine up a vertically strung cord, (2) topping the primary vine at the 18 to 20th node, (3) pinching off the first and secondary lateral branches at the first or second node. The single-stem method that we used involved (1) supporting and training the primary vine up a long vertically strung cord, (2) pruning all lateral branches and harvesting fruits from the primary vine. The fresh fruit yield was lowest in ‛Eteruno' under all growing conditions, owing to the low DM production and low DM partitioning to fruit. The DM production was determined by the light use efficiency, which was correlated with the light extinction coefficient. The DM partitioning to fruit was determined by the fruit set characteristic such as the number of pistillate-flowers per plant. Support and training methods and environmental factors affected fresh fruit yield through determining light interception and the fruit set characteristic, and therefore their effects depended on cultivar. For example, the low rate of pistillate-flower set on the main stem of ‛Eteruno' caused a large difference in fruit yield between the two support and training methods. ‛Proloog RZ' had the most nodes and the most pistillate flowers, so a higher CO_2 concentration and higher humidity improved the fruit yield the most. To achieve high yields, it is necessary to grow cultivars with a low light extinction coefficient and a high rate of pistillate-flower set. Breeding should focus on these characteristics.}, pages = {65--73}, title = {仕立て法および栽培環境の違いが, ベイトアルファ型,, 温室型および日本型キュウリ品種の生育, 収量に及ぼす影響}, volume = {13}, year = {2014}, yomi = {イワサキ, ヤスナガ and アン, ドンヒョク and シモムラ, コウイチロウ and ヒガシデ, タダヒサ and ナカノ, アキマサ} }