@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001824, author = {鈴木, 克己 and SUZUKI, Katsumi and 佐々木, 英和 and SASAKI, Hidekazu and 永田, 雅靖 and NAGATA, Masayasu}, journal = {野菜茶業研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science}, month = {Apr}, note = {We examined factors involved in the cause and control of blotchy ripening disorder of tomato. Lycopene content was higher in red sectors than in yellow sectors of tomatoes with blotchy ripening disorder. Chromoplasts in the yellow sectors had smaller lycopene bodies and more starch grains than those in the red sectors. We shaded fruits with aluminum foil and then made a cut in the foil, allowing direct sunlight to hit surface of the fruit. The incidence of blotchy ripening disorder was higher on the exposed portions than on the covered portions. Thermography revealed that the surface temperatures of fruits exposed to direct irradiation were higher than those of fruits covered with aluminum foil. The high temperatures induced by direct sunlight therefore likely affect the development of plastids, reduce the lycopene content, and cause yellowing. The incidence of blotchy ripening disorder differed among culture environments and cultivars. It was reduced by covering tomato trusses with agricultural materials to interrupt direct sunlight.}, pages = {81--88}, title = {トマト果実着色不良の発生要因と対策方法に関する研究}, volume = {12}, year = {2013}, yomi = {スズキ, カツミ and ササキ, ヒデカズ and ナガタ, マサヤス} }