@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001822, author = {壽, 和夫 and KOTOBUKI, Kazuo and 齋藤, 寿広 and SAITO, Toshihiro and 町田, 裕 and MACHIDA, Yutaka and 梶浦, 一郎 and KAJIURA, Ichirou and 佐藤, 義彦 and SATO, Yoshihiko and 増田, 亮一 and MASUDA, Ryo-ichi and 阿部, 和幸 and ABE, Kazuyuki and 栗原, 昭夫 and KURIHARA, Akio and 緒方, 達志 and OGATA, Tatsushi and 寺井, 理治 and TERAI, Osamu and 西端, 豊英 and NISHIBATA, Toyohide and 正田, 守幸 and SHODA, Moriyuki and 樫村, 芳記 and KASHIMURA, Yoshiki and 小園, 照雄 and KOZONO, Teruo and 福田, 博之 and FUKUDA, Hiroyuki and 木原, 武士 and KIHARA, Takeshi and 鈴木, 勝征 and SUZUKI, Katsuyuki}, journal = {果樹研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {Oushuu' is a new cultivar of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) released in the year 2000 by the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science, National Agriculture and Bio-oriented Research Organization. It originated from crossing 'C_2' and 'Shinsetsu', in 1983. 'C_2' is a hybrid between Chinese pear cv. 'Laiyangcili' and Japanese pear cv. 'Nijisseiki'. It was selected as a promising tree in 1991, and had been subjected to the 6th local adaptability test as 'Nashi Tsukuba 48', conducted at 36 experimental stations of 34 prefectures in Japan. It was designated and registered as Nashi Norin 22 on October 25, 2000, and also registered as No.11118 under the Seeds and Seedlings Law of Japan on March 17, 2003. The tree is vigorous. It exhibits abundant fruit spurs. It blooms about five days later than 'Niitaka', but earlier than 'Okusankichi'. It is crossincompatible with 'Kousui', however, it is compatible with 'Housui' and 'Gold Nijisseiki'. It matures in late October to early November in Tsukuba, a little earlier than 'Okusankichi'. Though it has a tendency of premature fruit drop, it is proven that dichlorprop is effective to prevent premature drop. It is practically resistant to any diseases and insect pests under the standard spraying program. Most of the fruit show spindle shape, though some other fruit are broad elliptical in shape. The fruit is covered with russet at full maturity. It is large, about 650g on an average and almost the same as 'Niitaka'. The fruit quality is excellent and the shelf life is as long as 'Okusankichi'.}, pages = {41--51}, title = {ニホンナシ新品種 '王秋'}, volume = {3}, year = {2004}, yomi = {コトブキ, カズオ and サイトウ, トシヒロ and マチダ, ユタカ and カジウラ, イチロウ and サトウ, ヨシヒコ and マスダ, リョウイチ and アベ, カズユキ and クリハラ, アキオ and オガタ, タツシ and テライ, オサム and ニシバタ, トヨヒデ and ショウダ, モリユキ and カシムラ, ヨシキ and コゾノ, テルオ and フクダ, ヒロユキ and キハラ, タケシ and スズキ, カツユキ} }