@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001821, author = {髙橋, 飛鳥 and TAKAHASHI, Asuka and YOSHIOKA, Toji and 吉岡, 藤治 and 柳沢, 貴司 and YANAGISAWA, Takashi and 栁澤, 貴司 and 長嶺, 敬 and NAGAMINE, Takashi and TAKAYAMA, Toshiyuki and 髙山, 敏之 and 高山, 敏之 and 土井, 芳憲 and DOI, Yoshinori and 松中, 仁 and MATSUNAKA, Hitoshi and 藤田, 雅也 and FUJITA, Masaya and 土門, 英司 and DOMON, Eiji and 杉浦, 誠 and SUGIURA, Makoto and 伊藤, 昌光 and ITO, Masamitsu}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {Mar}, note = {In 2012, 'Haruhimeboshi' was registered as a new six-rowed hull-less barley cultivar. It was bred using a bulk breeding method, and derived from a three-way cross (Yon-R-Kei 1350 [later registered as 'Mannenboshi']// Yon-R-Kei 1311/Yon-R-Kei 1324 F1) at Shikoku National Agricultural Experiment Station (currently NARO Western Region Agricultural Research Center). The main characteristics of 'Haruhimeboshi' were as follows : 1. Compared to 'Ichibanboshi' and 'Hinodehadaka', 'Haruhimeboshi' showed similar heading and maturity dates. The heading and maturity dates of 'Haruhimeboshi' were normally 2-3 days earlier than those of 'Mannenboshi'. 2. The spike length and number of spikes of 'Haruhimeboshi' were greater and fewer, respectively, than those of 'Ichibanboshi'. In the breeding station, the yield of 'Haruhimeboshi' was higher than that of 'Mannenboshi', 'Ichibanboshi' and, 'Hinodehadaka'. 3. The grain grassiness and the color of the pearled grains of 'Haruhimeboshi' were lower and whiter, respectively, than those of 'Ichibanboshi', 'Mannenboshi' and 'Hinodehadaka'. The ratio of broken grains in 'Haruhimeboshi' was lower than that in 'Ichibanboshi' and 'Hinodehadaka'. 4. On the basis of the results of the enzyme activity of koji and the whiteness and hardness of miso, 'Haruhimeboshi' had a good processing quality of miso. 5. 'Haruhimeboshi' was well adapted for growing in the flat areas of Central and Western Japan, and it was released as a recommended (authorized) variety in Ehime Prefecture in 2013.}, pages = {107--126}, title = {硝子率が低く精麦品質が優れる早生・多収の裸麦新品種「ハルヒメボシ」の育成}, volume = {13}, year = {2014}, yomi = {タカハシ, アスカ and ヨシオカ, トウジ and ヤナギサワ, タカシ and ナガミネ, タカシ and タカヤマ, トシユキ and ドイ, ヨシノリ and マツナカ, ヒトシ and フジタ, マサヤ and ドモン, エイジ and スギウラ, マコト and イトウ, マサミツ} }