@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001812, author = {吉田, 和生 and YOSHIDA, Kazuo and 森岡, 一樹 and MORIOKA, Kazuki and 深井, 克彦 and FUKAI, Katsuhiko and 播谷, 亮 and HARITANI, Makoto and 木村, 久美子 and KIMURA, Kumiko and 川嶌, 健司 and KAWASHIMA, Kenji and 大橋, 誠一 and OHASHI, Seiichi and 坂本, 研一 and SAKAMOTO, Kenichi}, journal = {動物衛生研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health}, month = {Jan}, note = {Cattle was inoculated with the Fusan strain cattle type of the rinderpest virus that was isolated in Busan (Korea) in the 1920's, and the pathogenicity was examined. The change of temperature, the clinical symptom and pathologic finding of the experimental infection were similar to ones in the 1940's, and it was confirmed that the rinderpest virus has kept the same pathogenicity in those days. A realtime PCR was developed to examine the amount of excretion of the virus from the feces and the nasal discharge of the cattle. The virus was detected in both after 66 hours and the most amount of total excretion was after 120 hours after the infection. As for each amount of excretion, the amount in the feces was seven, twenty four and sixty five times in 114, 120 and 126 hours after the infection respectively, more than those in the nasal discharge by the realtime PCR. The results suggested that the excretion from the feces was important in the spread of the rinderpest virus, 牛疫ウイルスFusan株Cattle typeを黒毛和牛に接種しその病原性を調べたところ, 体温の推移, 臨床症状および病理所見は1940年代に実施された感染実験で得られた結果と同様であり, 本株が当時と同じ病原性を保っていることが確認された. また, 本株に対するrealtime PCRのプライマーおよびプローブを開発し, 感染牛の鼻汁および糞便乳剤における単位容量当たりのウイルスの排泄量を調べた. その結果, 排泄は両者とも下痢が始まる接種後66時間から起こり, 両者の総排泄量は接種後120時間が最も多かった. それぞれの排泄量比は接種後114時間, 120時間および126時間でそれぞれ7倍, 24倍および65倍で全ての期間で糞便からの排泄量が多かった. 以上のことから牛疫ウイルスの伝播において糞便が重要な感染源になることが示唆された.}, pages = {15--25}, title = {牛免ウイルス Fusan 株 Cattle type の病原性および感染牛からのウイルス排泄量の定量化}, volume = {114}, year = {2008}, yomi = {ヨシダ, カズオ and モリオカ, カズキ and フカイ, カツヒコ and ハリタニ, マコト and キムラ, クミコ and カワシマ, ケンジ and オオハシ, セイイチ and サカモト, ケンイチ} }