@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001789, author = {谷中, 美貴子 and YANAKA, Mikiko and 高田, 兼則 and TAKATA, Kanenori and 石川, 直幸 and ISHIKAWA, Naoyuki and 長嶺, 敬 and NAGAMINE, Takashi and TAKAYAMA, Toshiyuki and 髙山, 敏之 and 高山, 敏之 and 田谷, 省三 and TAYA, Shozo and 甲斐, 由美 and KAI, Yumi}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {Mar}, note = {'Fukuharuka' was registered as a new wheat cultivar in 2011. It was selected from a cross between 'Hakei 94-71' and 'Chukei 6168' carried out in 1997 at Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station (present : NARO Western Region Agricultural Research Center). 'Fukuharuka' is a spring type wheat. The date of maturing is three days earlier than 'Norin 61'. The culm length is 10 cm shorter than 'Norin 61'. 'Fukuharuka' is resistant to pre-harvest sprouting, powdery mildew and leaf rust. It is moderately resistant to scab as 'Norin 61'. Its yield is as high as 'Norin 61'. 'Fukuharuka' is a hard wheat and shows high flour yield and milling score. The amylose content is comparatively low, the dough strength is medium, and flour color is brighter than 'Norin 61'. Noodle texture is excellent. 'Fukuharuka' is adapted well to flatlands of western Japan. Nara Prefecture designated 'Fukuharuka' as a recommended cultivar in 2011.}, pages = {7--23}, title = {製粉性と製麺適性に優れる日本麺用硬質小麦品種「ふくはるか」の育成}, volume = {12}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ヤナカ, ミキコ and タカタ, カネノリ and イシカワ, ナオユキ and ナガミネ, タカシ and タカヤマ, トシユキ and タヤ, ショウゾウ and カイ, ユミ} }