@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001779, author = {若生, 忠幸 and WAKO, Tadayuki and 山下, 謙一郎 and YAMASHITA, Ken-ichiro and 塚崎, 光 and TSUKAZAKI, Hikaru and 小原, 隆由 and OHARA, Takayoshi and 小島, 昭夫 and KOJIMA, Akio and 野口, 裕司 and NOGUCHI, Yuji}, journal = {野菜茶業研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science}, month = {Feb}, note = {A bunching onion parental line, 'Negi Chuukanbohon Nou 1', which has the highest rust resistance so far found in this crop, was developed by using a recurrent selection program. After rust inoculation of 133 bunching onion accessions, six slightly resistant cultivars, 'Seitou Ippon', 'Iwai 2', 'Chouju', 'Senami', 'Fuyuougi Ippon' and 'Toyokawa Futo', were selected as the foundation population (C_0)for recurrent selection. A rust inoculation test was conducted in every generation during the recurrent selection and in the subsequent selfed-line selection. 'Negi Chuukanbohon Nou 1'was selected from the self-pollinated progeny (S_3) of a second-cycle improved population (C_2). The symptom severity rated according to Yamashita et al. (2005) was less in'Negi Chuukanbohon Nou 1' than in 'Chouju' and 'Natsuougi 3', which were rated as moderately resistant to rust, indicating that the spread of disease was very slow in 'Negi Chuukanbohon Nou 1'. Rust resistance in this cultivar was expressed stably at different growth stages. Rust inoculation of the progeny of a cross between 'Negi Chuukanbohon Nou 1' and a susceptible line suggested that the resistance is controlled by several genes with partial dominance. Although less vigorous and lower in yield than commercial cultivars, 'Negi Chuukanbohon Nou 1' will be useful for developing rust-resistant cultivars of the "nebuka negi" type.}, pages = {55--62}, title = {さび病抵抗性を有する 'ねぎ中間母本農1号' の育成とその特性}, volume = {11}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ワコウ, タダユキ and ヤマシタ, ケンイチロウ and ツカザキ, ヒカル and オハラ, タカヨシ and コジマ, アキオ and ノグチ, ユウジ} }