@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001777, author = {TAKADA, Yoshitake and 高田, 吉丈 and 猿田, 正恭 and SARUTA, Masayasu and 岡部, 昭典 and OKABE, Akinori and 菊池, 彰夫 and KIKUCHI, Akio and 小野, 貞芳 and ONO, Sadayoshi and 矢ヶ崎, 和弘 and YAGASAKI, Kazuhiro and 坂元, 秀彦 and SAKAMOTO, Hidehiko and 高松, 光生 and TAKAMATSU, Mitsuo and 山田, 直弘 and YAMADA , Naohiro and 高橋, 信夫 and TAKAHASHI, Nobuo and 田中, 進久 and TANAKA, Nobuhisa and 元木, 悟 and MOTOKI, Satoru and 西牧, 清 and NISHIMAKI, Kiyoshi}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {Feb}, note = {A new soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivar, 'Akimaro', was developed at the NARO Western Region Agricultural Research Center in 2011. To develop a cultivar with high pod shattering resistance and a suitable plant shape for harvesting by combine harvester, we selected plants from a cross between 'Tosankei T683' and 'Tosankei T762'. The date of maturation of 'Akimaro' is almost the same as that of 'Fukuyutaka' at Zentsuji City, Kagawa Prefecture (34°13' 37" N, 133°46' 39" E), placing it in maturity group V. 'Akimaro' has purple flowers, gray pubescence, rounded ovate leaflets, and brown pods at maturity. Growth is determinate. 'Akimaro' plants are medium height, and the lowest stem node with pods is high. In late-sowing cultivation, yields of 'Akimaro' are higher than those of 'Fukuyutaka'. It is resistant to soybean mosaic virus strains A, B, and A_2. The seeds are large with a yellow seed coat and a yellow hilum. 'Akimaro' is suitable for miso (soybean paste) production. It is highly compatible with the climate and soil of Chugoku and Shikoku districts.}, pages = {27--39}, title = {晩播栽培において多収で淡色味噌に好適なダイズ新品種「あきまろ」の育成}, volume = {11}, year = {2012}, yomi = {タカダ, ヨシタケ and サルタ, マサヤス and オカベ, アキノリ and キクチ, アキオ and オノ, サダヨシ and ヤガサキ, カズヒロ and サカモト, ヒデヒコ and タカマツ, ミツオ and ヤマダ, ナオヒロ and タカハシ, ノブオ and タナカ, ノブヒサ and モトキ, サトル and ニシマキ, キヨシ} }