@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001764, author = {笠原, 賢明 and KASAHARA, Yoshiaki and 渡邊, 修一 and WATANABE, Shuichi and YOSHIKAWA, Hiroyasu and 吉川, 弘恭 and 山西, 弘恭 and 柴田, 昇平 and SHIBATA, Shohei}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {Feb}, note = {We devised an apparatus of run to waste type (open type) hydroponic culture system, which is available to control amounts of nutrient solution supply in entire greenhouse reflecting crop growth and solar radiation, using closed circuit hydroponic system partly. We named the apparatus as Open/closed hybrid hydroponic culture system. We applied this for tomato cultivation in greenhouse, and demonstrated that this could control drainage/supply ratio of nutrient solution below 20 %. We verified that this apparatus is able to control adequate amounts of nutrient solution for crops reflecting the growth stage of crop and solar radiation.}, pages = {99--108}, title = {循環式養液栽培装置への培養液供給動作を参照して給液制御するかけ流し式養液栽培装置の開発}, volume = {10}, year = {2011}, yomi = {カサハラ, ヨシアキ and ワタナベ, シュウイチ and ヨシカワ, ヒロヤス and シバタ, ショウヘイ} }