@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001763, author = {菊地, 直 and KIKUCHI, Sunao and 木村, 武 and KIMURA, Takeshi and 宮地, 直道 and MIYAJI, Naomichi and 村上, 弘治 and MURAKAMI, Hiroharu and 木嶋, 伸行 and KIJIMA, Nobuyuki}, journal = {野菜茶業研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science}, month = {Feb}, note = {To clarify the suitability of pelletized compost (PC) made from cow manure as a substitute for coated chemical fertilizer (CCF), we examined the effects of each on cabbage yield. We also investigated the environmental impacts of the localized application of PC on cabbage fields for 2 years. Standard application (broadcasting and deep placement) gave lower growth and nitrogen (N) content in the cabbages by PC than by CCF. However, incorporation of a half volume of PC to a greater depth (20cm) gave a high yield as much as standard application of CCF gave. These results suggest that PC is a suitable substitute for CCF in cabbage culture when it is applied locally to a greater depth. There was no significant difference between fields in the eluviation of nitrate-N with either fertilizer. In addition, N outputs were higher than N inputs during culture, and most N output was due to nitrate-N eluviation.}, pages = {105--114}, title = {キャベツ夏まき年内どり栽培におけるペレット堆肥局所施用の効果}, volume = {10}, year = {2011}, yomi = {キクチ, スナオ and キムラ, タケシ and ミヤジ, ナオミチ and ムラカミ, ヒロハル and キジマ, ノブユキ} }