@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001760, author = {飯田, 修一 and IIDA, Shuichi and 出田, 収 and IDETA, Osamu and 松下, 景 and MATSUSHITA, Kei and 春原, 嘉弘 and SUNOHARA, Yoshihiro and 根本, 博 and NEMOTO, Hiroshi and 前田, 英郎 and MAEDA, Hideo and 石井, 卓朗 and ISHII, Takuro and 田村, 泰章 and TAMURA, Yasuaki}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {Feb}, note = {'Himegonomi', a new low-amylose rice cultivar developed at the National Agriculture Research Center for Western Region, has good eating quality and grain appearance. 'Himegonomi' was bred from the progeny of a cross performed in 1999 between 'Milky-Queen' and 'Chugoku No. 169' to add the low-amylose trait to the paternal cultivar. The crossed line was bred using a bulk breeding method. The promising progeny line was named 'Chukei 2855' ; investigations into its productivity and adaptability test of strains began in 2005. In 2006, the line was redesignated 'Chugoku 192'. It entered into adaptability testing. In 2010, it was added to the registry of breeds and named 'Himegonomi'. The following results were obtained from analyses of this cultivar. 1. Heading date of 'Himegonomi', which is equivalent to that of 'Hinohikari', is 7 days earlier than that of 'Yawarakomachi'. Its maturity date is equivalent to that of 'Hinohikari', but is 8 days earlier than that of 'Yawarakomachi'. Its maturity is classified as medium-late in flatlands along the Seto Inland Sea. Its culm length is 86 cm, equivalent to that of 'Hinohikari', but 5 cm shorter than that of 'Yawarakomachi'. Its panicle is 1.8 cm longer than that of 'Hinohikari', but is equivalent to that of 'Yawarakomachi'. Its panicle number per unit area, which is equivalent to that of 'Yawarakomachi', is less than that of 'Hinohikari'. The plant type of this cultivar is medium type. Its tolerance for lodging, being weaker than or equivalent to that of 'Hinohikari', is somewhat strong. 2. The thousand-kernel weight of 'Himegonomi' is about 21 g, which is equivalent to that of 'Hinohikari'. The quality of appearance of brown rice is superior to that of both 'Hinohikari' and 'Yawarakomachi'. Its low amylose traits create a slightly dull white appearance. The yield of 'Himegonomi' in standard fertilized plots at breeding sites was superior to that of 'Hinohikari'. 3. The average amylose content is 8.4%, which is equivalent to that of 'Milky-Queen', is much lower than that of 'Hinohikari'. Because of its low amylose content, boiled rice is softer than 'Hinohikari' and its stickiness is strong. The evaluated taste is 'upper-middle', as equivalent to that of 'Hinohikari'. 4. 'Himegonomi' apparently possesses a true resistance gene (Pia) against rice blast, but its field resistance against leaf blast is moderate ; that against panicle blast is moderate. Its resistance against bacterial leaf blast is moderate. Its resistance against stripe disease is resistibility. Its viviparity is slightly hard. 5. Judging from its maturation characteristics, 'Himegonomi' can be grown in regions from the Kanto region to western Japan.}, pages = {69--86}, title = {良質で食味がすぐれる温暖地西部向き低アミロース水稲品種「姫ごのみ」の育成}, volume = {10}, year = {2011}, yomi = {イイダ, シュウイチ and イデタ, オサム and マツシタ, ケイ and スノハラ, ヨシヒロ and ネモト, ヒロシ and マエダ, ヒデオ and イシイ, タクロウ and タムラ, ヤスアキ} }