@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001755, author = {八重垣, 英明 and YAEGAKI, Hideaki and 土師, 岳 and HAJI, Takashi and 三宅, 正則 and MIYAKE, Masanori and 福田, 博之 and FUKUDA, Hiroyuki and 木原, 武士 and KIHARA, Takeshi and 鈴木, 勝征 and SUZUKI, Katsuyuki and 田中, 敬一 and TANAKA, Keiichi and 山口, 正己 and YAMAGUCHI, Masami}, journal = {果樹研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {The 7th local adaptability test on peach had been conducted at 24 experimental stations from 1992 to 2001, using 9 lines selected in the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science. 'Momo Tsukuba 109' to 'Momo Tukuba 113' are white flesh table peaches. 'Momo Tsukuba 114' to 'Momo Tsukuba116' are yellow flesh table ones. 'Momo Tsukuba 117' is white flesh canning peach. The results of the test are presented. 'Momo Tsukuba 109', 'Momo Tsukuba 110', 'Momo Tsukuba 112', 'Momo Tsukuba 114', 'Momo Tsukuba 115' and 'Momo Tsukuba 116' were judged to be not designated. On the other hand, 'Momo Tsukuba 111', 'Momo Tsukuba 113' and 'Momo Tsukuba 117' were designated as 'Natsuotome', 'Hakushu' and 'Mochizuki' respectively and registered as 'Momo Norin No.23', 'Momo Norin No.24' and 'Momo Norin No.22' respectively.}, pages = {113--126}, title = {モモ第7回系統適応性検定試験の概要}, volume = {2}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ヤエガキ, ヒデアキ and ハジ, タカシ and ミヤケ, マサノリ and フクダ, ヒロユキ and キハラ, タケシ and スズキ, カツユキ and タナカ, ケイイチ and ヤマグチ, マサミ} }