@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001754, author = {渡邊, 修一 and WATANABE, Shuichi and 笠原, 賢明 and KASAHARA, Yoshiaki and YOSHIKAWA, Hiroyasu and 吉川, 弘恭 and 山西, 弘恭}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {Feb}, note = {To prevent phosphorus accumulation in the facilities' soil and effectively use the phosphorus resource, the influence of drip fertigation using phosphate-deficient solution on the distribution of phosphate between soil and plant body was examined. The soil used in this study was gray lowland soil. In addition, the synergistic effect of ultra-micro-drip irrigation under reducing application of phosphorus fertilizer was examined. By using phosphate-deficient solution, neither the amount of growth nor the fruit yield decreased. The phosphate content was decreased more remarkable in a stem and leaf than the fruit, and the distribution ratio of the fruit to the crop body was 10% higher. The quantity of the phosphoric acid which was necessary to produce tomato fruit 1kg was lower 20% in the phosphate-deficient solution than the conventional cultivation. The rate of the absorbed phosphate to the fertilized phosphate was around 60% by the conventional solution. Then 50-60% of surplus phosphate which was not absorbed by crops was accumulated in the soil as Truog-P. By using phosphate-deficient solution, the amount of used phosphate absorbed by crops was around 8% of the total amount of Truog-P in the soil before cultivation. As a result, The amount of phosphate which can be reduced from conventional solution application was estimated as 20%. No remarkable synergistic effect was observed during ultra-micro-drip irrigation.}, pages = {41--51}, title = {トマトの養液土耕栽培におけるリン酸無施肥および極微量潅水がリン酸収支に及ぼす影響}, volume = {10}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ワタナベ, シュウイチ and カサハラ, ヨシアキ and ヨシカワ, ヒロヤス} }