@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001733, author = {山田, 昌彦 and YAMADA, Masahiko and 山根, 弘康 and YAMANE, Hiroyasu and 吉永, 勝一 and YOSHINAGA, Katsuichi and 平川, 信之 and HIRAKAWA, Nobuyuki and 栗原, 昭夫 and KURIHARA, Akio and 岩波, 宏 and IWANAMI, Hiroshi and 永田, 賢嗣 and NAGATA, Kenji and 佐藤, 明彦 and SATO, Akihiko and 小澤, 俊治 and OZAWA, Toshiharu and 角, 利昭 and SUMI, Toshiaki and 平林, 利郎 and HIRABAYASHI, Toshiro and 角谷, 真奈美 and KAKUTANI, Manami and 中島, 育子 and NAKAJIMA, Ikuko}, journal = {果樹研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {Honey Venus' is a new tetraploid grape cultivar (Vitis labruscana Bailey × V. vinifera L.) with yellow-green large berries for table use, released by the Persimmon and Grape Research Center (presently the Department of Grape and Persimmon Research) of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science, Akitsu, Hiroshima, Japan, in 1998. It is distinguished in a high eating quality characterized by sweetness, good flavor and flesh texture. 'Honey Venus' resulted from the cross between 'Benizuiho' and 'Olympia' in 1980. 'Honey Venus' was selected at Akitsu in 1989, and tested its adaptability at 34 locations from Kagoshima to Hokkaido in 32 prefectures under the 8th grape regional trial initiated in 1992. The vines of 'Honey Venus' are vigorous. The color of woody shoots is dark brown. The leaves are threelobed. The sprouting time is similar to that of 'Kyoho'. Seeded berry set in 'Honey Venus' is easier than that in 'Kyoho', however, it needs light pruning, flower-cluster trimming, and moderate fertilization for obtaining well-filled bunches. The flowers are perfect and their blooming time is nearly the same as those of 'Kyoho'. Disease resistance in 'Honey Venus' is fairly high, but little more sensitive to ripe rot and powdery mildew than that in 'Kyoho'. The fruit cluster is cylindrical in shape. The berries are elliptical. The berry skin is a slip skin, similar to that of 'Kyoho'. The fruit ripens in late August to early September in the central area of Japan, which is the same season of that of 'Kyoho'. The berry weighs 8-10 g, which is 3g smaller than 'Kyoho'. The flesh has an intermediate texture between crisp and tough, and little firmer than that of 'Kyoho'. Soluble solids concentration is around 21%, which is 2% higher than that of 'Kyoho'. The titratable acidity is around 0.5 g/100ml, similar to that of 'Kyoho'. The flavor is good and seems to be a mixed one of muscat and foxy. Cracking of the berry has been observed very rarely. The berries have little astringency occasionally, depending on cultural conditions. The shelf life is not long as 'Kyoho' is.}, pages = {53--63}, title = {ブドウ新品種 'ハニービーナス'}, volume = {2}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ヤマダ, マサヒコ and ヤマネ, ヒロヤス and ヨシナガ, カツイチ and ヒラカワ, ノブユキ and クリハラ, アキオ and イワナミ, ヒロシ and ナガタ, ケンジ and サトウ, アキヒコ and オザワ, トシハル and スミ, トシアキ and ヒラバヤシ, トシロウ and カクタニ, マナミ and ナカジマ, イクコ} }